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Topics - Jason Powell

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« on: November 30, 2016, 12:03:20 PM »

I am new to VATSIM (and studying for my basic controller exam), but have not delved into all of the technical minutia re: the actual network, client install and configuration, etc.

I'd like to perhaps link up with an experienced controller in my local (i.e., in-real-life) area to be able see, experience, and hear firsthand what VATSIM is really all about for a controller before I yet commit lots of time or thought to this. It would also be nice to make some local, IRL friends who also just happen to enjoy VATSIM.

I'm sure that I will enjoy it, and lots of you will say, "Just jump in and do it!" but my methodically-natured brain insists on researching things thoroughly (perhaps exhaustively) before going "whole-hog". there a non-trivial way to locate and/or contact controllers who might reside in my area (KCVG/KLUK)? I'm planning to join ZMA for training and long-term experience (nothing against ZID!), so posting in ZID's site forums might not be feasible.



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