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Messages - Robert Shearman Jr

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Events / Re: [April 27th 2019 2300-0200Z] VATSIM First Wings
« on: April 22, 2019, 04:38:54 PM »
Oh, crap.  AJ, I hope I'm not seen as trying to compete with you or ride anyone's coattails or cut in on anyone's dance.  I was actually approached by, and have been corresponding with, several of the organizers of this event about things I can offer to help new pilots get comfortable taking the leap and trying out a flight this Saturday.  So, we came up with the following two things:

(1) this Wednesday night, April 24th at 8pm Eastern Daylight Time (Thursday morning 0000z), I'll be demonstrating a flight from Rockford (KRFD) to Duluth (KDLH) in the PMDG 737 NGX -- not only just startup to shutdown, but also covering flight planning topics such as: where to find a viable route, how to determine how much fuel to carry, how to connect, what to put in the flightplan, how to determine which controller to talk to, etcetera.  Once airborne, the VATSIM ATC have agreed to treat our flight as though it was in a high-traffic area, with the potential for holds, vectors, speed restrictions, runway assignment changes, and whatever else might happen when you fly online with live, human ATC.  We'll talk through the various ways you can use the different autopilot modes on the plane to comply with all of their instructions.  That demo will happen live on, and live Q&A via Twitch or Discord will be encouraged.  (I tend to draw a much smaller audience than the "big" flight sim streamers, so, there's a very good chance that ALL of your questions will be heard and answered.)  The video will be uploaded to YouTube immediately after, as well, for anyone who isn't available to participate as scheduled, with additional Q&A opportunities via YouTube comments or Discord.

(2) Saturday night during the event, starting at 7pm EDT (2300z),  I will be set up as an observer at Duluth (KDLH), and my core viewers and I will be monitoring as many of the various ATC channels as we can.  Again, we'll encourage live Q&A via the Twitch chat or the Discord server, so any new pilots flying in the event that need help understanding an instruction or how to get the plane to fly a hold or a vector or a late descent can pop in and ask and get immediate help.

the Twitch channel:
the Discord server:
the YouTube channel: (*)

I hope we can get some new pilots flying regularly on VATSIM!  The more we populate our virtual skies with pilots who know how to fly cooperatively on the network, the more fun it is for all of us!

(*) yeah, I know.  I need a few more subscribers before I can get a custom link.  I told ya, my audience is "cozy."  LOL.

Events / Re: Fly the Gorge [21 Apr, 2200z-0200z]
« on: April 21, 2019, 10:14:49 PM »
WOW, guys.  That was an awesome event.  PLEASE count my vote for more GA- and VFR-oriented events on the network.  It seemed like a good turnout, too.  That has just leaped well into my top-5 favorite experiences ever on VATSIM.  Well done, gents, well done.

If you want a view of it from my vantage point, check the link below.  (You probably want to start it at about 1:30:00 though as I got a little lost after departing KPSC.  Odin Tor can attest that my VFR navigation skills are lacking -- all the more reason we need to get events like these up and running, and practice it more, LOL...)

News / Re: Washington's New Training Administrator!
« on: April 21, 2019, 11:53:29 AM »
It's like all my little ATC-kids are growing up, even though you're way older than me  ;D
Hahaha.  You've got quite a way with words, man.  :-)

Congrats, Jared!  I know first-hand how great an ATC teacher you are, & I predict great success for the training at ZDC!

Events / Re: The Fifth Runway Sunday (KATL) {5/19 2100z-0100z}
« on: April 14, 2019, 08:31:22 PM »
A clever marketing ploy to get us all to update our scenery.

Next -- "Sweet Seventeen FNO" at KMSP

Events / Re: Events: Tell us your thoughts!
« on: April 08, 2019, 07:24:24 PM »

Events / Re: [April 27th 2019 2300-0200Z] VATSIM First Wings
« on: February 22, 2019, 06:20:13 PM »
Nice!  Glad to see this event coming.  I heard the first one (in the UK) was tremendously well-received and appreciated.  I've blocked the date off & will be sure to be there.  Anything I can do ahead of time by way of flight-planning or communication tutorials or anything else that might help, please loop me in.

The Control Room Floor / Re: Squawk Readback Correct
« on: February 16, 2019, 07:44:05 AM »
Technically he could just say "Roger, N123AB," and that would be perfectly acceptable readback. Since this is (Technically) an acceptable readback, the controller (In my opinion) should just say "Readback correct."
I'm not sure I would ever respond "readback correct" to a pilot who hasn't read anything back.  Personally I'd just roll into verifying ATIS / altimeter & expected departure runway.

Events / Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
« on: January 27, 2019, 01:15:13 AM »
Jeremy, I'm traveling this weekend and sad that I missed this event!  One question I have for future such events regards the confidentiality issue.  If I had participated in this event, I would have been live-streaming my flight.  How do you reconcile maintaining confidentiality about being selected for a prize with someone who may be live-streaming?  I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one, and, I'm hopeful that exposing VATSIM (particularly cool, well-conceived events like this) on platforms like Twitch and YouTube is something that is encouraged rather than discouraged?  Not a complaint; just a question for discussion!  Hope I'll be able to join in on the next one!

Events / Re: [19 JAN 2359-0400Z] Escape to The Desert
« on: January 24, 2019, 07:34:05 PM »
Was there any chatter among the scopes about the one idiot who decided it was a good idea to shoot the Special Flight Rules VFR Bravo Transition over LAX in the middle of the event

What's wrong with shooting the SFRA during an event?  That would be a great time to do it.
That wasn't the "idiot" part, necessarily.  Ask Odin Tor.  He already popped into the ZDC TeamSpeak just to bust my chops about my visual pattern to John Wayne by way of Los Alamitos.  LOL

Events / Re: [19 JAN 2359-0400Z] Escape to The Desert
« on: January 22, 2019, 07:43:23 PM »
Was there any chatter among the scopes about the one idiot who decided it was a good idea to shoot the Special Flight Rules VFR Bravo Transition over LAX in the middle of the event -- flew it all by the numbers, including remembering to squawk 1201 while on the radial -- then almost landed at SLI instead of SNA?  hahaha...

General Discussion / Re: Discord Question
« on: January 14, 2019, 03:00:17 PM »
I have tried all of the suggestions to no avail.
I had an issue a few months ago where I tried to uninstall then reinstall Discord and was stuck in an "updating" loop.  The final solution offered to me by their tech support team was to upgrade to a Beta version of it.  That worked.  Never did solve why the stable version couldn't be completely uninstalled -- we hunted down directories in the \User\{x}\Roaming and several other system directories, even.  Still nothing worked.

Anyway, long story short -- contact their tech support; they can walk you through some other higher-end things to try.

Events / Re: [15 Mar 2019 | 2359-0400z] Houston, the FNO has landed
« on: January 07, 2019, 02:34:22 PM »
Au contraire, I think it's brilliant, personally  ;-)

Yeah -- it's total garbage.

Events / Re: HCF Hosts FNO: Ending the year in paradise!
« on: December 30, 2018, 08:15:20 AM »
I agree -- great event!  See it from my perspective here:

General Discussion / Re: Mode C Transponders
« on: December 10, 2018, 07:46:54 PM »
VATSIM COC requires that pilot's not squawk standby.

COC A.B.4 - "Except while on the ground prior to making initial contact with ATC or upon request of ATC, a pilot should not squawk standby. A pilot should not squawk standby while flying to his destination, even when there is no appropriate Enroute air traffic control available."

If that is indeed the rule, the word "should" means that it is recommended, not required.
Here we go again with the "should" vs "shall" business.

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