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Messages - David Jedrejcic

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General Discussion / VATNA Website Question
« on: March 19, 2010, 05:36:56 PM »
Quote from: Nicholas Taylor
While it may not exactly be the most publicly pleasing way to go about it, Jason absolutely knows what he's talking about. He is the third member to join VATSIM and has held various staff positions before, he's been on VATSIM longer than anybody else on these forums. JV brings up really good points, and obviously the way he brings them up worked for 05-05, so why stop when more needs to be accomplished?

No one said he needs to stop trying to affect positive change - we're just sick of the hammering.  It's rude and noisy.  Use a different technique is all I'm saying.

And no one has questioned Jason's abilities or his areas of expertise.  But quoting the length of his tenure does not mean that all of his actions are sanctioned, carte blanche.

General Discussion / VATNA Website Question
« on: March 19, 2010, 05:32:45 PM »
That's fine, Bruce.  I understand that you'll stick up for your folks, as I will mine.  I believe that it is my duty as a staff member to speak up when I believe the actions of a VATUSA staff member, ARTCC staff member, or individual controller are out of line, and I believe Jason's use of the forums to continually berate the VATUSA and VATNA staff members are out of line, and I said so.  I was not "attacking" your controller for my own satisfaction - there was a very simple reason for my comments to him.  I recommended different courses of action that could be taken to achieve the goal he wants to achieve, and I never once said that his goals were not worthy of undertaking.

The next time that I say that one of your controllers is not fit to do their job, and poke fun at their lack of timeliness on a particular issue even though I know they are not being paid to do what they do, and then imply that they are not treating their constituents in a fair and equitable manner, and then accuse them of covering up alleged misuses of their powers, all in a public forum, then you can call it mistreatment of your controllers.  Especially if I do it every day of the week.  It is this type of behavior that I am calling to the table, and I feel that I am well within my limits as a VATUSA member, and a VATUSA staff member to do so if nobody else is going to say anything about it.

And I particularly loathe how I am left to defend my actions against completely different personnel while Jason has moved on to open a brand new "discussion" in a different post.  As for your statement that the hammering of 05-05 is finished now, well he has, without stopping to breathe, begun to hammer the new policies, now that his hammering of 05-05 is done.  

Jason, if you're still listening, I honestly admire your willingness to be so involved in the goings-on of VATUSA, and I would be quite happy to have these types of discussions with you on Teamspeak or some other voice-capable media, where I believe that many of these issues could be described and understood with much less time and effort.  But if you want to do this, I do not understand why you are not part of the staff, which is where you need to be if you are to affect changes in the system - I believe I've said this to you before.  And I believe your response was something along the lines of "the system doesn't care, the BoG is corrupt, VATNA is broken, VATUSA is impotent, etc., etc.," - so if you believe all of this, then how is it that you expect any of your great ideas to make it into the system, so to speak, if you are not there to do it yourself?

General Discussion / VATNA Website Question
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:23:41 PM »
Quote from: Bruce W. Clingan
I find it odd and a little disheartening that a VATUSA staff member is ragging on a simple member for sharing his opinions right or wrong.  Jason has not violated the code of conduct, trust me we would all know if he did because there are a list of supervisors and admins who would have at him if he did.

Bruce, I would certainly characterize your post as a "sharing of opinion," and I respect that.  I would not characterize the member that I was "ragging on" as simply sharing his opinion.  I've already outlined, in great detail above, how I would characterize this behavior, and I don't feel I need to repeat it again.  So I disagree with your assessment, but that's perfectly fine.  And I know there are no violations of the CoC here, nor did I accuse there being any.  All I'm pointing out is that there is someone constantly banging a hammer on a steel pipe in the building, and nothing is being built, so I am kindly asking for the hammer to stop banging, as it is accomplishing nothing.  Yet another analogy, I know  

General Discussion / On the topic of accountability & maturity
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:53:42 AM »

I believe that Dan is referring to the following phrase within 0505:

"...policies written or established outside of this process are invalid and in no way enforceable."

Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's my interpretation.

General Discussion / VATNA Website Question
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:49:45 AM »

One of the controllers I was referring to left a post in a related topic here recently, and they transferred out of ZAU in November of last year, stating this as a reason in his post.

I never said anyone was forcing people out of ZAU, but I did imply that people would leave due to personality conflicts.  I have seen more than one controller in my time elect to leave an ARTCC due to another controller - it doesn't have to be a staff member to make the culture at an ARTCC degrade to a point where fellow controllers simply leave due to the ambiance created by one discontented controller.  That mechanism works with great efficacy.

The jar of vinegar and the flies is referring to the lack of success on this forum in trying to see success with the items he wants to see taken care of, and has nothing to do with ZAU or its controllers.  Apparently my analogies are not being understood, but that's alright  

I understand your viewpoint, Dan, and I do not mean to say that anything is in need of attention at ZAU in particular, as I have no way of knowing that about your ARTCC.  My comments are strictly focused on the VATUSA forum, the topics being discussed here, and their effects on the VATUSA membership in general.

General Discussion / Selection Process of VATUSA1
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:30:11 AM »
Well I appreciate the answers, even though I had to ask twice.  I disagree with a couple of them, but they are my opinions after all, and I don't suppose I'm going to convince you that your opinions are anything less than perfectly accurate, so I'm not going to waste any more of my precious time trying to do so.  I hope that you can discern from my responses to your posts from today that my main point is that I believe you are going about achieving your goals in the wrong way.  I never said that your right to hold people accountable is not valid, or that your intentions are without good intent.  All I'm saying is that you can expect to achieve nothing at all with the tools you are using to accomplish your agenda.  Your tools being repeated accusations of wrongdoing and inaction, without the consideration for human error, learning curves, different viewpoints from diferent personalities and points of reference, and most importantly the volunteer basis of this hobby.  If you would acknowledge those things during the purportedly "pensive" period that you undergo every time you post something here, one would think that you could do much better in communicating your agenda.

The "spear" is your incessant targeting of all VATSIM staff for your personal interrogations.  It's annoying, to say the least, and it's not getting you anywhere.  So as long as you continue to poke spears, you should be ready to spend just as much time defending yourself during interrogations initiated by those that you target.  I have nothing against you personally, and like I said I understand your motivations and I believe they are borne of good intention.  But until you realize the heartache you are causing this division by your actions, I will continue to do my best to make it more obvious to you.

General Discussion / VATNA Website Question
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:05:29 AM »
Quote from: J. Jason Vodnansky
When will the VATNA website comply with requirements of the Code of Regulations?  Better yet, why wasn't it set up in compliance with the CoR?

It seems that following the rules still is optional in VATSIM, or shall we call it "selective enforcement"?

Jason Vodnansky

It's in the way that you use it, Jason.  Instead of implying that the RD was doing his job poorly (and indirectly suggesting that you, yourself could have done a better job at it), you might try putting in some language that shows that you understand that the RD (and all of the other members of the VATSIM staff) have a lot to do, and that you appreciate their time.  Perhaps you could try throwing that in every once in a while.  Perhaps you don't say so because in fact you do not appreciate their time and dedication?

Next, you might try to stop alleging misbehavior on the part of these dedicated volunteers at every chance you get.  It is not appreciated by the defendants, nor is it appreciated by their colleagues (such as myself), and it only results in discontent on the part of the onlookers of your sililoquies.  My point is that you are accomplishing only negative goals with your current methods.  

Or, if you prefer, you can continue to check your local jar of vinegar to see how many flies you have so far.  As we continue to hear reports of controllers having transferred out of your ARTCC in order to distance themselves from you personally, perhaps you might try to decode the hidden message behind these actions.

General Discussion / Selection Process of VATUSA1
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:48:50 AM »

1) I believe my post was productive in that I hoped it would make you think about what you are writing, and perhaps might save some heartache on the part of the rest of the members of VATUSA from having to deal with coming up with reasonable answers to your unreasonable requests every single day.
2) I believe my post was professional, as I clearly stated my intent in a curteous manner, and made what I thought was a valid and wise recommendation for your future actions which might benefit both you and everyone else in the division.
3) I think it was helpful because, like I said, I believe I am not the only member of the division that thinks your posts are a waste of everyone's time - so if you were to actually process the message within the post, then yes, it might be helpful.  But since you refuse to do so, and can only respond by saying something tantamount to "I know you are but what am I," then perhaps it will not turn out to be helpful, but that's not my fault, as you are the only one who can help yourself.
4) I believe my post was respectful for the same reasons that I quoted in #2, above.  I did not demean you in any way, and I am trying to help you realize that your involvement is not helping anyone in its current form, and that modifications need to be made to your methods in order to help realize your goals.
5) I believe the post was generally good natured for the same reasons I quoted in #4, above.  I am trying to help you understand that your methods are detrimental to the division, and they will never help you accomplish the things you want to accomplish.
6) I believe it was intelligent for all of the reasons that I quoted in #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5, above.  These all seem like very reasonable points to be made to someone who has ben continuously belligerent in laying seige to every policy and staff member that is misguided enough to entertain your rants (including myself).

So why don't you answer the question I posed to you in the first place?  Do you not have any answers?  Are snappy comebacks without any substance all you have to offer in the face of a prudent set of interrogations?  Perhaps you are not used to being on the sharp side of the spear.

General Discussion / VATNA Website Question
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:45:43 AM »
Jason, we are all standing ready to attend to the items that you have on our to do lists.  Please send us a prioritized copy and we will attend to them in the order that you desire, starting immediately.  Between working full time, finishing the research on my Ph.D., spending time with my wife and family, traveling out of town and out of the country for work related issues, keeping all of the ARTCC's in the Southern Region happy, managing the LAXFO hub of UVA, controlling for ZDC, and volunteering in my community, I will make certain that your list items are completed on your timeline so as to try to avoid the incessant bludgeoning of the VATSIM staff that you seem to have made your life's work.  

Please try to keep some perspective in this life, and perhaps you could try to make some friends by sharing a kind word or two every once in a while for all of the work that this army of volunteers is doing to help you and your colleagues.  Better yet, perhaps you should apply for a VATUSA staff position so that you could actually take ownership of some of these issues that you seem to think need immediate attention instead of berating their efforts on a daily basis.

General Discussion / Selection Process of VATUSA1
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:31:44 AM »
Quote from: J. Jason Vodnansky
We can tell.


Can you explain to me how this comment can be construed as any one of these following things:

1) Productive
2) Professional
3) Helpful
4) Respectful
5) Generally good-natured
6) Intelligent

Please elaborate if you think your response above (or any of your posts, for that matter) fits any of these descriptions, because I fail to see any merit in it whatsoever.  Next time you post something that does not meet any of the descriptions listed above, I suggest that you keep it to yourself.

The Control Room Floor / Contacting VATUSA staff
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:30:43 AM »
Quote from: Roy Evans II
Just curious if the VATUSA staff read their emails?  I've emailed 'VATUSA1' and 'VATUSA7' a while back.  Maybe they read the forums only?


Although the VATUSA1 email may be redirected at the moment, it should still have been seen by someone on staff.  Also, I know that Tom is around and well, so perhaps there may have been a problem with the email addresses or servers at the time you emailed them.  

Try emailing Tom once again, and if you don't hear back in a day or two, please feel free to email me, and I'll do my best to address your concerns.

General Discussion / Who is the final authority?
« on: February 19, 2010, 12:20:17 PM »
Quote from: J. Jason Vodnansky
I would like for you, or the appropriate BoG member, be it the President, or VP of Operations, or VP of Regions to make a determination that the answers here are factual, and can be counted on NOT to change.

I think this is your problem right here.  I understand that managing a fluid situation with many differing directions from multiple authorities is annoying at best, but that's the situation.  Ask for an answer in the forum, and likely you will get an answer from someone that differs from something else you saw in a policy, and that is also not related to what you read in the meeting notes from the BoG.  This is a situation that you need to be able to handle.  Each of the inconsistencies is a problem, yes - and although we might collectively strive to eliminate some of the ones we have at this moment, they will never go away entirely, and we will never have this utopia that you speak of, where all the rules are perfectly written down, and where there is never any confusion or disagreements on any of the points, so I don't see why you keep trying to achieve that.

If you follow the direction of your immediate supervisor, you are doing everything you can to comply with the current rule set.  If you are trying to fix a system wide problem single handedly, you are wasting your time, as you can not represent all of the stakeholders at once.  These sort of issues will be worked out through the people who are reponsible for each of the roles involved... e.g., if the RD said something that differs with what was said my the DD, then those two people need to deal with it, end of story.  Your involvement in the issue is over, as you are not the DD or the RD.  You can rest peacefully if you simply do what the DD told you to do, as that is the person to whom you are responsible for your actions.  If you want to participate meaningfully in these conversations, then you need to be one of the stakeholders.  Otherwise, you are just a pundit.  Of course, you have every right to be a pundit if you like, but then I fail to understand what goal it is you are trying to achieve with these inquiries; the answers seem plain to me.

General Discussion / Do we even need a VATUSA1?
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:40:54 AM »

To answer the question at hand: There certainly seems like there is a lot of work to be done - perhaps we could use a VATUSA1 to help do it.  I'm not getting the impression that our motley crew is making much progress by acting as pundits.  I say let's get some leadership in place so that some progress (if any) can be made.  The chances of getting anything done without them are exactly zero.  The chances with leadership in place are greater than that.  I'm ready to do my part.

General Discussion / Do we even need a VATUSA1?
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:04:11 AM »
Lol, thanks guys - at least I would start off with a 1% approval rating  

Luke, I know that VATSIM is not indeed an actual government, but that doesn't mean that it is an organization that does not require governance.  And like all governments that we have ever put forth on this planet, they have hierarchies, and they have a person in charge of each of the levels in the hierarchy.  What kind of structure are you saying would work better, and why?  

I think it is clear from your statements that you think at least one of these "layers" should be abolished, so please answer the question I put forth above...If you think VATUSA should be abolished, then tell me why we do not regularly see corporations abolished by their constituents, for example.  If there were an advantage to having local rule without any centralization, then one would think that American corporations would have taken advantage of the idea, no?  Instead, it is the opposite - corporations have been able to thrive (some might say too well) due to centralized governance.  How come the idea of centralized authority seems to have lasted so long, if it is in fact flawed, and much worse than just having each individual group fend for themselves?
I'm not trying to push the idea of the government analogy past its usefulness, but I think it is a valid analogy - and I realize it's an analogy, but I don't see why we can't use it to discuss the topic.  The analogy of the corporations I made above is also valid as an analogy.  VATSIM is neither of these things, but it is similar to both of them, so we should be able to draw conclusions about VATSIM by studying the things which it mimics.  Since you seem to believe that the current structure is inherently broken, I would like to know (as I stated above) what other solution you have come up with in order to make things better on the network.  More testicular fortitude?  

Here is where I see this would lead, in the form of a satirical remark (there is no offense intended here, it's simply a straightforward way for me to make a point):

I'll resign my position as a VATUSA Staff member, and the controllers at each of the ARTCC's I represent can just contact the BoG directly, so that there wouldn't be so many layers to go through.  The BoG already (allegedly) does not respond to the Division Directors when they ask for help, but I'm certain that each individual controller would have their voices heard loud and clear if we got rid of the ARTCC's, the Divisions, and the Regions that are keeping this more direct conversation from happening.

I think it should be clear that this situation doesn't make any sense.  The intermediaries do, in fact, serve a purpose.  And that purpose is communication.  And again, I'm not saying the system is working properly, but that just means we have to fix it - not abolish it.  It might not be easy to work through the system, but that's the only way one can create positive change - through the system.  Bashing the system because it hasn't provided you with the results you want is not going to get you the results you want.  It only results in a bashed system.

General Discussion / Do we even need a VATUSA1?
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:00:00 AM »
Jeff, that's a perfectly fine question to ask, and I understand that you are just asking, without any predetermined stake in the question, so to say.  So please understand that my response is not directed towards you in any way, but it is directed towards answering the question.  I, personally, think that abolishing the institution of VATUSA would be an enormous mistake, as any of the subtitutes that one might put in its place would either be worse, or at best, only just as good as having VATUSA in the first place, thereby rendering the idea useless at best, and detrimental at worst.

There is a great deal of value in having a VATUSA Staff, which helps to ensure a level of conformity within the constituent ARTCCs, and also takes on the responsibility of dealing with the bureaucratic issues that would otherwise fall directly onto the ATMs, who, I think we would all agree, already have enough to do.  There is, furthermore, an enormous value of having a leader for the VATUSA Staff, in the person of VATUSA1.  This role is intended to serve as a single point of contact for the entire division, as far as the eyes of VATSIM are concerned.  In every organization, there is a single point of contact - this is the person who is expected to make the final decisions, and who takes the blame for any shortcomings that befall his staff (and then takes due steps to correct them).  There is a great value in having a single leader to every organization of people.  This has been a standard way of leading organizations since...the dawn of civilization.  Have you ever heard of a co-King of a kingdom?  A co-President of a democratic state?  Every method of government has 1) a leader, and 2) a staff of advisors.  The Romans (while they were working properly) had an Emperor, and a Senate.  Each King had his court.  And Bruce, I respectfully disagree that Harold's analogy is in error.  Just because VATSIM does not have funds to dole out, does not make the analogy useless.  The Mayor can not make laws of his own devising, they must also be in line with the laws of the state, and of the nation.  This is indeed much like the relationship between VATUSA with the Region and the BOG/Founders.

If we were to take away the VATUSA staff, then the ARTCC's would answer to who?  VATNA, right?  Guess what - another single point of contact - no change in operation.  What if we were to do away with VATNA as well?  Then who do the ARTCCs answer to?  The EC?  The BOG?  Can you imagine having to run the daily operations of an ARTCC and have to answer directly to the BOG who meets, what, once a quarter?  How would this be expected to work?  

So now you have about 23 organizations that are all on equal terms, with no one to answer to except one of the two choices given above (either to VATNA1 which would be much like the status quo, with the exception that VATNA1 would not have any staff to help with the job, or it would be answering to the EC/BOG, which would basically sever any ties of responsibility between the ARTCCs and their governorship due to the limited daily operations of the BOG).  So now the ARTCCs are free to govern themselves?  This is a sure-fire way to have anarchy ensue, and the order of things would simply come to an end.

VATUSA serves a very well defined purpose, and that is to oversee the operations of the ARTCCs, enable the ARTCC staff with the tools they need in order to to do the jobs that they need to do (at least in theory), and to relieve the burden of the ARTCC staff from dealing with the globally based bureaucratic issues (which do, in fact need to be dealt with in the case of a multinational organization, virtual or not).  VATSIM is a small version of the real world, whether it's a hobby or not.  There are controllers online right now in Japan, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Libya, South Africa and Urugay - not to mention Canada and the United States.  These are real people from around the globe that are participating in this "hobby".  The organization is complex, and with thousands of members (all of whom have slightly different goals when they log on to the network, by the way), a structure is needed in order to govern the activities on the network, and to give direction to the efforts of so many people, so that those efforts will bear fruit.  

If there were no VATUSA, then the ARTCCs which currently make up VATUSA would become a collection of organizations that would be extremely difficult to manage, to say the least.  This is about the equivalent of the head of a corporation disbanding his or her headquarters and saying, "well, each of the 23 cities in which we have offices will be fine - they can make decisions on their own - just have them each answer to the shareholders individually."  If anyone thinks that it is a good idea to do away with VATUSA, then I ask you to explain to me why the analogy of the corporation giving up their leadership of their consituents is not a common business practice.  Is it because the corporation prefers to weild power that they choose not release their constinuents?  Or is it because the organization as a whole would suffer from lack of central leadership?  I think it is the latter.  Why not have each of the 50 states govern themselves - why do we have a federal government?  The analogies are endless.

And again, if you do away with VATUSA, then the ARTCCs (logically) would have to answer to VATNA1 instead.  So VATNA1 currently does not have a staff like VATUSA does, so now the entire set of functions perfomed by the VATUSA Staff is taken up by one person.  Sounds like a problem - so we should have the VATNA1 representative hire some staff.  Great - now we have simply changed the name "VATUSA" to "VATNA", and our problems stay exactly where they always have been, but with a new, fresh name.  This is not a solution.  The only logical separation from the status quo is to have the ARTCCs answer to the EC or the BOG, and that is where my previous analogies (hopefully) shed some light on why having VATUSA Staff (and particularly a VATUSA1 representative) is a good idea.

Lastly, Luke - I just wanted to give the same sort of analogy to address your statements.  For each law-abiding citizen of the US, there is a city council, a city Mayor, a state Governor, representatives and Senators to the Federal Government,  President of the US, and then multinational organizations such as the United Nations that work together to make life peaceful and prosperous in our world.  Which of those levels can be removed without anyone noticing?  I believe that there is a good purpose to each of the structures that you named (at least, ideally).  Now, whether they are all working together the way that they should be is a different question, and one worth asking.  But abolishing any one (or more) of them is not a solution to the problem.  If the interaction between the organizations is not optimal, then this problem should be addressed.  

And finally, to respond to the allegation that "if VATUSA is the only major division that is having problems, and Europe is not, for example, then what exactly is the cause of these woes?" (I paraphrase from a different post...)  I offer the simple solution - perhaps VATUSA is the problem.  And now we are full circle to Jeff's original comment.  Now, although VATUSA may indeed be the problem (just like if you have been in dozens of car accidents, then perhaps you are the driver to blame), the solution to the problem in this case is not to just abolish VATUSA (or to take away the car, in the analogy - how are you supposed to get to work then, without a car?  The solution is to learn how to drive).  In our case, the VATUSA leadership needs to work more closely with their higher-ups and find solutions.

Now I have heard more than one former VATUSA1 report to us in these forums that the problems stem from the VATSIM leadership, and I have no emprical way to tell whether this is true.  However, I would argue that, objectively, the former VATUSA1 representatives have no empirical way to tell that their allegations are true either, having not been members of the BOG.  The BOG doesn't seem to think that they are the cause of any problems, and neither do our former VATUSA1's.  So I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here, I'm just saying that I can't say with proof that either of the parties are fully reliable, as they both are, by design, meant to represent the interests of only a subset of the VATSIM population.  The VATUSA1 clan is trying to do the best they can for VATUSA, and the BOG is trying to do the best they can for the EC and the RD's.  All I can objectively deduce from this is that more communication is needed between these parties.  If one of the parties is indeed actively trying to subjugate the needs of the other, then this will eventually make itself known, but I have a hard time believing that this is the case, as it would take an act of willful malice from a person, or group of persons, who have concurrently supplied the VATSIM network with voluntary resources (monetary and otherwise) - and those two concepts simply don't mix (charity and malice).  So we have to deduce that both parties are acting in their own best interest, and with their best intentions, and that there is simply more work that needs to be done (on the part of both parties) in order to get VATUSA running the way that both VATUSA and the BOG want VATUSA to run.

So I say, let us choose our next leader for VATUSA, and let that work continue.  If the next VATUSA1 decides to resign in 6 months, I will be crestfallen, of course.  But I will thank that person for having given their time and effort toward achieving this goal, I will continue to do my job, and I will support their successor as well.

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