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Messages - Robert Shearman Jr

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Events / Re: August 14th 2300-0300z FNO at Cincinnati
« on: August 15, 2020, 01:14:32 AM »
It was nice to see the dedication on display as a bunch of ZID controllers were still online well after midnight EDT, over an hour after the scheduled event end, doing their best to continue to serve the traffic that was still on-site.  Kudos to you guys for sticking it out!

The Flight Deck / Re: KSLC SKEES Arrival Shortcuts
« on: August 13, 2020, 06:47:52 PM »
Depends on how FSX/P3D/PMDG or other X-Plane add-ons handle it, but at least the combo I described seems to load it properly.

The Flight Deck / Re: KSLC SKEES Arrival Shortcuts
« on: August 13, 2020, 02:03:44 PM »
X-Plane 11.41, FlightFactor 757-200, Navigraph nav data AIRAC 2008 (which expires today) including the separate data manager entry for "X-Plane GNS430, FF757/767/777, X-Crafts Embraer E-175, Aerobask SkyView, JRollon Planes CRJ200,{...}".  Everything looks right to me.  HINKY is included.  Screenshots taken before I adjusted route for discontinuities; relevant one is attached here.  I'll email you the full set.

Events / Re: [8 Aug 2020 2000-0300z] 21st Annual Boston Tea Party
« on: August 08, 2020, 06:16:53 PM »
Thanks for allowing us Brits to join the party.
As I recall, y'all weren't invited to the first one.

Events / Re: VATVENTURE: 07/27/20 2100-0000Z
« on: August 02, 2020, 04:35:30 PM »
just want to say that this event was very cool.  I'd love to see it expanded to maybe be the weekend before Airventure, and more during the day on Saturday and Sunday.  Also, It'd be nice if VATSIM promoted the heck out of it like CTP.  The event was very fun, but could have been exceptional if more pilots knew about it, and flew in.  I think I only followed one aircraft in trail, both days combined.  I'll be looking for this event next year for sure.
I originally speculated that it was done on weekday afternoons as a means of controlling demand, with more people at home during these strange times, to prevent the event from getting out of hand.  But I later got wind that it was scheduled around PilotEdge's version of the event, as a courtesy.  Not sure which is true, or both or either.  But I agree that it was a blast and I'll be looking for news of this event every July from here on!

Events / Re: VATVENTURE: 07/27/20 2100-0000Z
« on: July 27, 2020, 05:31:56 PM »
Wow, you guys did a FANTASTIC job recreating the atmosphere there.  This was my first time flying it on VATSIM and it was a blast.  And hey -- there's a published taxi route for coming off of 36R; who knew?!  LOL.  It's okay; I'll know for next time, haha.  I definitely won't miss it again!

EDIT: see the video here, if you like:

Events / Re: VATVENTURE: 07/27/20 2100-0000Z
« on: July 07, 2020, 06:59:56 PM »
Nice... going on my calendar immediately and forthwith!

Events / Re: VATVENTURE: 07/28/20 1900-2200Z
« on: July 05, 2020, 04:41:42 AM »
Okay, sorry, I'm still confused.  We're doing this at 3pm EDT on a Tuesday?

And the date in the "linked event" doesn't match, by the way.

Events / Re: VATVENTURE: 07/28/20 1900-2200
« on: July 03, 2020, 12:36:05 AM »
Assuming those times (1900-2200) are local (i.e. US Central Daylight)?

Events / Re: ZHU Presents "Definitely Not A ZTL Event" (2359z-0400z)
« on: July 02, 2020, 01:02:44 PM »
But where else can we get a taxi instruction that includes "Taxiway Dixie"?

The Flight Deck / Re: What's the point - point 8, point 9...
« on: June 25, 2020, 02:33:43 PM »
I learned something.  I knew it was customary to abbreviate (verbally) ground frequencies by omitting the number before the decimal point.  I thought it was an *unwritten* custom. 

The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Re: Simple Question
« on: June 11, 2020, 11:24:10 AM »
To prevent people from spamming wrong answers until they luck upon the right ones, & encourage them to use the time instead to figure out what they answered wrong & understand why.

Events / Re: [06/12/2020 2359-0400Z] ZDV ZSE ZLC FNO
« on: June 04, 2020, 09:12:10 AM »
As someone who does a lot of General Aviation flying on the network, I've found that operating from and to the smaller satellite airfields around the class Bravo focus airports usually seems to work more easily for the controllers during busy events.  Plus, it gives you the opportunity to try interesting things like VFR Bravo transition routes and other less common flight profiles on the network.  Just some food for thought!

General Discussion / Re: AFV audio issues
« on: June 04, 2020, 09:04:22 AM »
For right now, the volume spiking issue seems to be related to setting your output volume above zero. I haven't had the issue happen at all, and I have mine set to zero. Some people are reporting that they have to lower it all the way to -72 to avoid the issue.  If you can leave the output setting alone in your pilot or AFV client and boost the volume through either your Windows Mixer or a virtual mixing board software instead, that may help with that problem.

Events / Re: [23MAY20 2300Z-0300z] CALSCREAM XX 2020 (ZOA/ZLA)
« on: May 24, 2020, 09:59:13 PM »
Just wanted to say thanks to all for an amazing event yesterday; the controllers were spot on (and the chap handling Ground in KSFO was doing a great job under immense pressure :-) )

Is there anyway to sign up for notification of future Calscream events (once you've all recovered from this one  :) )?
We're glad you enjoyed it!
CalScream takes place in May every year. There's not a formal notification. Just keep a lookout on the VATUSA events calendar. Or, check
Actually on the very website you refer to, only six of the nineteen(!!) dates listed were in May... ;-)

But if the intent is to hold them in May every year going forward, that's good news.  It was indeed a fantastic event!

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