If vZID have Euroscope files, why are you using the VRC sector file in Euroscope?
I suggest you speak with one of the instructors or mentors at your ARTCC to help you setup Euroscope correctly, you should not be using VRC files in ESE if you have Euroscope files available, for example, an ESE is not just a POF file, but it has more elements, which you will have to have when you progress.
I think what he is saying is that he may want to visit or transfer and want to know how to convert the files.
Realistically, you need to approach this process like programming. Start with basic VRC files, sct and sct2 files. Understand what all the headers and stuff do. Then attempt to read the euroscope documentation and understand. Personally i've found that unless you have someone who knows what they are doing, you aren't going to have much success. You can get basic functions down, but the more advanced stuff like automatic handoffs, radar blind spots, and correlated vs uncorrelated, you need to have someone who is good with the program help you out.