« on: July 08, 2021, 01:52:22 AM »
Obviously, there's been a relative spike in new users, which anecdotally seem to have a higher rate of competency issues than previous new pilots. One bad pilot is all it takes to ruin a previously good controlling session, so I agree that competency is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed.
I like the discussed idea of a feedback system for pilots, or even something similar to a deviation reporting system. I believe that could go a long way to improving the current situation in a way that allows pilots to improve upon their skills, rather than simply being an annoyance to controllers.
As a controller, it's easy for one particularly bad pilot to ruin a session in which every other pilot had no issues. Any system which can be used to combat common errors or deviations would likely go a long way in reducing controller frustration and the burnout it can cause.
If this type of pilot feedback/deviation reporting system was implemented and run on a global VATSIM-wide scale, this feedback could potentially be used to see global or regional trends. Common issues could be addressed by the Pilot Training Department, and training materials could be created to hopefully curb the issue. If a pilot made a common mistake, a link to that specific material could be sent to them.
I agree with many of the points raised, and in general, I want to give a +1 to the discussion of the issue. Pilot expectations and behavior are a well-known (and often discussed) issue in controlling settings, so just having this discussion in a public forum will hopefully yield some good ideas which can be implemented, potentially on a scale greater than just one ARTCC or VATUSA as a whole.