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Messages - William Simmons

Pages: [1]
News / ZHU Appoints New DATM
« on: August 05, 2024, 02:21:11 PM »
Hear ye, hear ye!

I am thrilled to announce that Gregory Albrecht  has been selected as ZHU’s new Deputy Air Traffic Manager. Greg brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and a passion for aviation/VATSIM that will be invaluable as we continue to grow the Houston ARTCC. His values align perfectly with all of our community and the plans we have for the future.

Again, I want to thank Clay Brock  for the blood, sweat and tears he has put into ZHU. Clay has set the bar high for the DATM position. He is handing over a solid foundation that has set us up for continued success. As we move forward with the transition, we will strive to build upon the strong base he has established, ensuring that his values and standards remain at the core of our efforts.

Please join me in welcoming Greg and wishing him success in his new role.

Cheers to you Greg!

William Simmons
Air Traffic Manager

News / Position Posting: ZHU DATM
« on: July 28, 2024, 02:24:55 PM »
The Houston ARTCC (ZHU) is seeking a qualified, professional, and motivated individual that possesses a high degree of energy and commitment to serve as the Deputy Air Traffic Manager. Applicants should note that this position requires a significant time commitment.

This posting will expire on 8/04/2024 at 2359z.

Key Responsibilities
•   Reports to the ATM
•   Front-Line Manager to the Facilities, Events, and Technical (Web) departments
•   Monitors the day-to-day activities of the ARTCC
•   Assists in the development and execution of ARTCC projects
•   Maintains an online presence on the VATSIM server
•   Functions as ARTCC senior staff member. Attends periodic meetings to report on ARTCC activities
•   Assists in coordination of position assignments and position restrictions when necessary
•   Assumes the duties of the ATM when he/she is unavailable
•   Any other duty assigned by the ATM

Minimum Requirements
•   Currently hold a rating of Controller (C1) or higher for at least 90 days prior to application date
•   Works well in a team-oriented environment
•   Demonstrates excellent leadership skills
•   Be an active member of the VATSIM network in good standing with no significant disciplinary history in the last 12 months
•   Strong knowledge of the U.S. Airspace and Air Traffic Control systems & procedures
•   Excellent written and oral communication skills

Preferred Qualifications
•   Previous or current ARTCC staff experience
•   Have held a rating of I1 for at least 90 days at any given time prior to application date
•   Supervisory or management experience in virtual or real world
•   Proven ability to lead a team of individuals through change to support overall ARTCC goals

Applications must include
1.    Name, Email Address, and CID
2.    Letter of Intent
3.    Resume (please include any applicable VATSIM and/or IRL experience)

What to expect
This position demands a considerable amount of time (on and off the network) every week. Only those candidates who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should apply. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview. All candidates who apply and who meet the minimum requirements can expect to be interviewed for this posting. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

How to apply
Submit the required information above to the William Simmons ZHU ATM at

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