General Discussion / C3 Rating
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:25:54 PM »Quote from: Andrew Wolcott
Let me clarify. Ratings came from SATCO. Some of you don't know what that is, but it may only be a handful. Now, C3 rating was meant to acknowledge that a Center Rated controller worked 200 hours on a "_CTR" position. The hours did not count for sitting on east bumble delivery. They had to be logged on a "_CTR" position.
Now, here is the question for Kevin and anyone else. How many cookies and golden star stickers and badges must be passed out to people on this network to make them feel appreciated? Should I just arbitrarily honor you for some set number of hours you've logged working a regular position?
Or should I respect and reward you for putting in time and effort to help make this community better, such as assisting an EC, designing an ARTCC Logo, doing website work, performing staff duties as an ARTCC or VATUSA staff member, help author countless numbers of SOPs, LOAs, or learning how to develop sector files and keeping them up-to-date for others to use?
Anybody who wants to be rewarded because of hours should only want to be rewarded for the time and effort they put in GIVING BACK. Jockeying a computer for hours on end with watching youtube videos, twittering about how you just posted a comment or link on someone's facebook wall all the while plugging a position working little to no traffic at odd hours of the day or night is not with recognition on the level of being GIVEN any sort of rating. Period.
Senior controller recognition should come not only because of time plugged in, but rather the showing of dedication, pride, and at times disgust, many of us here have put into or received from this community.
The big difference is the willingness to give back, versus asking someone else to always give to you.
I earned my C3 with pride, and I know what it stands for to me. Hours on position ain't it.
You bring up a fantastic point, and to be quite honest, its one that I don't have an answer for. That's a very valid question, but let me sit on that before I give you one if I could.