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Messages - Nathan Outten

Pages: [1]
The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Re: Cant take s1 test
« on: January 19, 2022, 02:55:52 PM »
Have you checked the VATUSA FAQ? Specifically the section for the Academy training?

If this still does not help please open up a ticket, it will be easier to get help that way as those will be seen faster than these forums.

Yes i have done all of that

The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Cant take s1 test
« on: January 19, 2022, 02:06:50 PM »
I have completed everything to take my s1 test but says i cant take because something is not complete i have check countless time that everything is completed. Please add me on discord if it easier CusCuNate#8059 thanks. and is passed 20 hours to since all lesson were completed for 100%

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