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Messages - Johnathan Ellis

Pages: [1] 2 3
News / Re: New TA for ZTL!
« on: April 08, 2017, 11:49:17 PM »
Fantastic choice!! Congrats

Just to clarify...  It is indeed the pilot's responsibility...  And solely the pilot's responsibility.  That said, and I think what folks are portraying here, most controllers like to reach out to play nice in the sandbox.  Nice in the sandbox is good.  Mark and Chris and others in this thread that are looking out for the best interests of all, including teaching the pilots, are definitely on the right track. 

But I still hate the .contactme.  It's a crutch.

I've said it a million times before.  I'm not a fan of the .contactme.  It is unrealistic.  Another pilot responsibility is to be monitoring unicom at all times when in uncontrolled airspace.  So assuming a pilot doesn't realize he entered controlled airspace, that's the way I reach out.  It emulates a controller reaching out to a pilot on guard (121.5) which happens all day long RW.  When I log on and see that there are people in my airspace that may not be aware that I just logged on, is send a text message on unicom that says something to the effect of: "XXX_CTR is now online," This gets, on average, about 65% of the pilots out there who are dutifully monitoring unicom to call me.

The others, I generally send another message, on unicom, directed at their callsign, that says Contact XXX_CTR on For those controllers/Facility Engineers that choose to add it to their facility's standard alias file, it could look like
.cme Contact $callsign on $com1

I use the .contactme as a last resort. It it the least realistic (the hailing attempts on unicom mirror what the RW would do on guard), but sends a clear message. By the time I've sent the third request for contact, the pilot has now neglected their responsibility to monitor for online ATC and contact ATC for a decent number of minutes (I usually don't send .contactme messages for at least 15 minutes, unless there is a traffic conflict brewing) (and their situational awareness tools (e.g. VATSpy, Servinfo, etc.) should have updated, showing online ATC), and have also neglected their responsibility to monitor unicom. In my estimation (because I stopped collecting hard data months ago), when I've been online for 15+ minutes and start to send the .contactme messages, 80+% of pilots aren't paying attention, and fewer than 20% are newbie-ish that need some assistance/reassurance.

I would wager that the vast majority of controllers on VATSIM just rely on the .contactme crutch right out of the chute, most likely because that's the way they were taught. That's also likely why we hear a lot of pilots say, "Oh, I was just waiting for the .contactme message; everyone else does that...."  That's true in Europe.  I hope to hell we are not training our controllers to use the .contactme message as a crutch, but as a last resort.  Please stop propagating anything along the lines of "if a pilot wanders into your controlled airspace, immediately send a .contactme" or "pilots should wait for a .contactme". It is the pilot's responsibility to contact ATC, not ATC's responsibility to contact the pilots (reference the VATSIM Code of Conduct, section B3). Much has been written about this over the years, with the main argument that pilots have only one controller to contact, while controllers may be working several, indeed a lot of, aircraft, working multiple approaches and terminal operations at multiple airports. 

Stop feeding the pilots fish; teach them how to fish!  Just please do it in a kind, helpful and respectful manner.  Otherwise, we'll have a different problem on our hands.

Too harsh and we lose people. Too loose and we lose people. That sweet spot in the middle where everyone gets better/smarter and has more fun is a tough place to find, but a great place to be. Let's all look for that sweet spot that maximizes the enjoyment of the network for everyone....

I have would have to agree 100%. I personally feel the same about the ".contactme" feature, and have never been a supporter of it. I never send them out. If a pilot passes from my airspace to a fellow Controller's.....I will let the Controller know the situation, and go from there.

General Discussion / Re: Training Progression?
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:01:24 PM »
I don't get paid enough!

You mean to tell us that the homemade cookies Rick bakes is not good enough for payment???

News / New Training Administrator for ZTL
« on: December 15, 2016, 08:21:59 AM »
Please join me in welcoming Clifford Morey as the new TA for Atlanta!! Cliff comes to us with an extensive history, and we look forward to seeing what he can bring forward to the Department.


Thanks, Nicholas--I would very much enjoy meeting up with either (or both) of you sometime--SDF and IND are both easy drives for me! (Hmmm...CVG is about right in the middle *coughcough* ;)

Right now, my brain hurts from trying to figure out which vARTCC to sign up for. ZTL and ZOA look like they have some really active and well-organized training departments, but ultimately, I'd like to someday control out of ZMA. Decisions, decisions!

*Later that hour*

Soooo...I jumped on ZTL TS as you recommended (I'm a total TS n00b, by the way), and while I was text chatting with an innocuous-looking S1 (who seemed very nice), this gentleman popped up:

<16:39:03> "Josh Davidson": hey whats your VATSIM CID?
<16:43:00> "Jason Powell": 1374988
<16:43:27> "Josh Davidson": OK cool
<16:43:43> "Jason Powell": Keeping the riff-raff out? LOL
<16:43:52> "Josh Davidson": I highly recommend flying before controlling. It makes it easier. Also note this TS if ro Atlanta ARTCC controllers/members only.
<16:44:06> "Josh Davidson": That's why they block entry
<16:45:10> "Jason Powell": Ah, sorry--a ZTL member over in one of the VATSIM forums recommended that I connect and try to chat with folks about choosing ZTL as my home.
<16:45:31> "Josh Davidson": Do you mind advising who?
<16:45:36> "Jason Powell": Let me look
<16:45:50> "Jason Powell": I have about 8,000 tabs open.
<16:46:16> "Josh Davidson": Well, I can tell you the Training is fantastic, the staff is nice and supportive, and the only artcc that lets S1s control tower ;0
<16:46:19> "Josh Davidson": xD
<16:46:40> "Jason Powell": Sweet.
<16:46:52> "Jason Powell": Nicholas Watkins was the one who referred me.
<16:46:56> "Josh Davidson": ahh OK.

Aaaaaaand I was suddenly banned from the server (I have no idea who did it--Josh seemed very nice, and I think was unlikely to have done it).




I apologize for your experience on our server. I will be looking into what happened. Your experience does not follow Atlanta standards. We welcome everyone to join us.

The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Re: New to atc
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:59:40 PM »
Welcome to VATSIM!!!! You can most definitely connect as an Observer without needing to obtain "Permission" Keep in mind will need to obtain all related sector files etc from the Facility you wish to observe

News / Re: ZNY Senior Staff fully staffed again!
« on: October 29, 2016, 03:03:35 PM »
Congrats to all the new team members!!!! I wish you all the best, and look forward to seeing what your completed team offers!!

News / Re: VATUSA announces new Northeastern Region ATD
« on: October 19, 2016, 03:47:48 PM »
Congrats Mani!!

News / Re: New ZME DATM
« on: October 14, 2016, 05:26:58 PM »
Well done, and good luck!!!! Look forward to working with you

News / Re: ZNY's New TA is A-OK!
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:10:17 AM »
Congrats Derek!!

NOTAMs / Re: Away
« on: September 28, 2016, 07:29:28 PM »
If you guys need Liquor Security while you're away, I am more than willing to offer my services.....As most know, us Canadians sure love our liquor!!   ;D

News / Re: VATUSA announces new Training Director
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:14:01 AM »
Thank you for all you have done for all of us in the Division and our hobby Ryan. Congrats Mark!! Great selection, and I look forward to working with you in your new position!!

News / Re: New TA for ZSE
« on: September 04, 2016, 09:21:26 PM »
Congrats Vishaank!!!

News / Re: New Events Coordinator in Denver!
« on: September 04, 2016, 08:55:43 PM »
Congrats!!!! Look forward to seeing future events you put together!!

News / Re: Tom Seeley retirement
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:57:57 PM »
Thank you for everything you have contributed to our Community over the years....we are truly loosing one of the best. I wish you well.

Ira....congrats!!!! The perfect choice, and I look forward to seeing you in your new position!!

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