3. All and all, the operation is setup the way it is because FAA people have spent months and years evaluating this stuff, and they determined that this way is the best way we could possibly do things. This is why we try to follow the real place to a T... cause they're clearly doing something right.
Thanks for the feedback. I definitely agree it's important to keep everything in perspective. We strive for perfection at ZMP, and that's been how to we keep it fun for us.
So i understand that you guys are striving for perfection but are you striving to be real controllers or be the best vatsim controllers? Last I checked you are a real controller, when does the line get drawn between a game and real life? In my real plane most of the time one person will be talking while the other is performing the request. On vatsim its just me having to talk, pan my camera around, hope that vpilot is working correct, hope my sim doesn't freeze, adjusting my autopilot, etc... The real FAA did these studies with real airplanes and real pilots. We cannot treat vatsim pilots as real pilots or even these planes as real planes, this has been proven time and time again. You still have to account for the fact that this is a simulation that is not 100% accurate and that the pilots you are working with learned to fly this airplane by watching a video on youtube.
I agree with nearly everything you put in your last response other than the part that i quoted. We also try and use the real world procedure as a guide when developing and modifying procedures for ZTL but they are just a reference. We always have to take into account the type of pilot we are expecting to work with, be it increasing MIT by a % or knowing that I should probably give this PTAC early.
Now building on something else you brought up the ego about not asking for help or not asking for more space is real, and until it gets brought up with the person next to you its easy to just assume that someone is doing fine. We had to specifically assign our CIC at events now to watch the traffic flow as a whole and make decisions on if final or feeder needed more space without them asking to work around this issue. Granted what worked for us might not work for you but sometimes having a someone available to make the decision for you really can help.