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Messages - Robert Reifsnyder

Pages: [1] 2
Virtual Airlines / Re: Virtual Flight Economy (VFE)
« on: March 30, 2019, 06:16:54 AM »
Is this still a thing? The website seems to be down. I know this is an older post but I am just curious.

The Control Room Floor / Re: Entering airspace of En-route controllers
« on: April 29, 2018, 09:09:45 PM »
If you know that there is a controller on you should go ahead and check in with that controller. When you check in just give the nearest VOR to your current location so the controllers can find you easier.

This ✓

News / ZAB has a new Events Coordinator!
« on: February 25, 2018, 06:22:43 PM »
After much deliberation and two applicants who would both make great additions to the events coordinator role, ZAB has selected Jeremy Werderman as our new events coordinator. This wasn't an easy decision as both applicants had great ideas and vision for the role.  Jeremy has some great ideas for the direction of the events department and I can't wait to see what is in store for the future.
Thank you Chris for your service and for our past events!

News / Re: ZFW Has a New DATM!
« on: February 19, 2018, 07:14:44 AM »
Congrats buddy!

News / Re: ZTL is pleased to announce a new DATM!
« on: February 05, 2018, 10:11:40 PM »
Grats Meg!

News / Re: Position Opening: Albuquerque (ZAB) Events Coordinator
« on: February 05, 2018, 05:57:24 AM »

General Discussion / Re: FlightSimExpo Announces 2018 Date and Location
« on: February 05, 2018, 02:37:41 AM »
For those of  you who did not see the announcement in the news forum. VATUSA has formally announced our participation and is actively seeking members to participate on the display team. Please check the following threads for more information.

Matt, I just want to verify if you received my email or not. Mine has been acting a little funky.

News / Position Opening: Albuquerque (ZAB) Events Coordinator
« on: January 30, 2018, 09:13:58 PM »
Position Opening: Albuquerque (ZAB) Events Coordinator

The Albuquerque ARTCC (ZAB) is currently seeking applications for Events Coordinator (EC) who will be responsible for  effective creation, planning, staffing, and promotion of events within the ARTCC.

Position Responsibilities are:

 - Reports to the ARTCC DATM

 - Formulate and develop events to engage VATSIM traffic and to promote the ARTCC.

 - Implements, attends and facilitates approved events.

 - Coordinates with neighboring ARTCCs to arrange support for ZAB hosted events, and arranges ZAB support for neighboring events.

 - Maintains relationships with virtual airlines, coordinates support for VA-hosted events affecting the ZAB airspace.
 - Develops and distributes marketing material (graphics, news posts, forum posts, etc) to promote events and the ARTCC.

 - Leads and manages events division of ZAB.

Interested candidates are invited and encouraged to apply. Candidates should be aware of the position requirements.  Applicants must be in good standing with VATSIM/VATUSA in order to apply for this position. As an active staff member, the successful applicant can expect to commit a minimum of 4-5 hours per week to facility-related duties. Applicants can expect an initial evaluation of their application and can expect to receive instructions to setup a formal interview.

Applications should include:
 - Full Name, Active E-Mail, and VATSIM CID

 - Introductory Cover Letter and resume detailing your experience and addressing each of the required and desired skills above and any other relevant information you would like to provide.

 - Candidates from outside ZAB must submit a Letter of Recommendation from a Senior Staff Member (ATM/DATM/TA) at their current ARTCC.

Applications should be submitted to Robert Reifsnyder, ZAB ARTCC Deputy Air Traffic Manager at by February 14th at 23:59 zulu time.

Events / Re: [Jan 27, 2200z-0400z, 1400P, 1600C] Phoenix Open Fly-In
« on: January 28, 2018, 02:06:57 AM »
Great event guys.  It was a pleasure to fly in.

Thanks for flying in bud! It was a fun one to control!

General Discussion / Re: FlightSimExpo Announces 2018 Date and Location
« on: January 12, 2018, 10:54:50 PM »
I just registered and booked a room for this. I'd love to help represent Vatusa and ZAB. Let me know if I can help in any way.

News / Re: New Division Director Announced
« on: January 04, 2018, 05:52:34 PM »
Congrats Mark!!

General Discussion / Re: FlightSimExpo Announces 2018 Date and Location
« on: December 21, 2017, 03:10:05 AM »
I'm going to make plans on joining this venture and represent the ZAB ARTCC.  It'll be tough keeping me away from the poker room though....

General Discussion / Prospective/New controllers, please read
« on: December 16, 2017, 11:09:46 PM »
Good day folks,

     I just want to throw out a quick reminder to those of you who are either thinking about or have just joined your first division/facility to start your virtual controlling career.
     As you all should already know, VATSIM and VATUSA is ran completely by volunteers, from the VATSIM founders, president, and continuing down the organizational structure. With this said I would expect everyone to understand that when requesting services, whether it be a support ticket, transfer to a new division/facility, etc. that you should expect at least a short delay, possibly ranging from 1 day to hopefully at the latest 3 days before you receive a response to your request.
     Some of these services can be time consuming and tedious. When you are part of a network where people not only run the community here at VATSIM/VATUSA but also run their real life jobs/households it should be a given that there will almost always be a waiting period for a response to your particular request. Especially at this time of year, when families will always take priority over hobbies (I hope at least).
     Please be respectful of your fellow pilots/controllers and management when you make your requests, put in for a transfer, ask for training, etc.  Your fellows will thank you and the community will be a better one.

Patience is a virtue!

Happy holidays all.

I like your suggestion. I will point out, at least from my experience, that for some facilities staffing the event during it's actual scheduled time usually takes all available controllers and then some, so it's usually an issue of available controllers. Most facilities probably don't have extra controllers for 2 different timetables. I hope that helped. I'm working nights so I may be explaining that while I am half asleep and it might make sense lol

Events / Re: VATUSA Town Hall Meeting
« on: December 01, 2017, 03:48:15 AM »
Sadly I work this night... Will there be any notes or minutes taken for this meeting?

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