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Messages - Stefan Loos

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: ATC bookings in USA
« on: August 03, 2024, 02:40:36 PM »
Is there any update on this problem? I really would like to fly in USA but encountered disconnecting ATC which does not motivate you to go on.
As S1 in europe I can tell you we can add our booking in a webinterface. Why is this not possible  in USA? Why are so few stations listed in the booking sites?
Please care about bookings, thank you

There is no update to the problem, since it is not a problem. It is not something the VATUSA have over every ARTCC. There are one or two ARTCCs that have a sort of calender on their website for when controller plan to control but most people just hop on whenever. We are all volunteers and outside of events, don't really plan to far ahead to control. We have free time, we hop on. Not much more to it than that. Best i can say is look for controller that have just got on, or have been on less than 2 hours. Aside from that, have fun flying!

Well you are of course free to do what you want. But booking can be a win-win situation.
Pilots enjoy ATC and plan their routes according to it, what in consequence leads to more traffic for the controller

General Discussion / Re: ATC bookings in USA
« on: August 02, 2024, 05:57:24 PM »
Is there any update on this problem? I really would like to fly in USA but encountered disconnecting ATC which does not motivate you to go on.
As S1 in europe I can tell you we can add our booking in a webinterface. Why is this not possible  in USA? Why are so few stations listed in the booking sites?
Please care about bookings, thank you

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