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Messages - Chris Harkins

Pages: [1]
Events / Re: VFR OPS: Kodiak
« on: September 14, 2015, 07:26:19 PM »
@Ken and Alex, I didn't figure you would have HIGH turn out as most like those darn flying cigars which aren't really know to fly VFR  ;D

Events / Re: VFR OPS: Kodiak
« on: September 10, 2015, 06:21:56 PM »
I didn't directly participate but set up at to watch planes come in. I wouldn't say it was a great turn out, but hey it was their first go. Maybe given more time and better weather this can be a nice event. Think next time I will put a Goose out in the water off the end of rwy 25 to do some plane spotting  8)

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