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Messages - Barry Jeter

Pages: [1]
Virtual Airlines / Simulated United States Air Force
« on: October 23, 2009, 03:25:32 PM »

The Simulated United States Air Force, SIM Air Force for short, is a VATSIM VSOA approved organization, flying on the VATSIM network.

SIM Air Force simulates its real world counterpart in all possible aspects, from initial flight training to flying high profile aircraft and missions.

We are seeking self-motivated members to join our ranks. Members who need no nudging and no prodding. Members, who can dream a dream, make it real and know no boundaries.

In accordance with our mission and observing our objectives, through our vision we believe that our organization will:

ENSURE our growth by exposing you to a challenging environment, which, in turn will imbibe us with leadership qualities, strong character and social entertainment value.

ENLIGHTEN you on the role of the United States Air Force; help you to build a stronger understanding and exposure to the variety and complexities of flight operations in demanding and complex environments.

As part of a culture that encourages you to treat fellow persons with respect, courtesy and tact, HELP us to extend the same care and concern to others.

As a result of our identification with the United States Air Force, we shall TEACH you to adopt its tradition of high standards of performance, commitment, duty and service, to seek to excel and to face up to challenge.

You are our tomorrow and all you have to bring is a good attitude, a willingness to learn, and have fun in the process. Through our doors leads to a new Horizon, Bound Only By Your Imagination.

Barry Jeter
[email protected]

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