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Messages - Blake Gray

Pages: [1]
Virtual Airlines / Virtual NOAA - VNOAA
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:11:17 PM »
Virtual NOAA has opened and is looking for pilots wishing to fly various weather and recon missions.

The public website URL is at:

Flights and missions are in the beginning stages; all the info you need is on the site. At present VNOAA is slow to grow due to personal issues, but flights are available now !

Currently, VNOAA is a growing VA, but intends to join Vatsim Special Operations when the requirements have been met, as explained on the site.

We need 12 active members for 3 months minimum for this to happen.

Join a VA/VSOA-to-be (!) and fly special ops non-military missions !

VADM "Hawkeyez" Gray - VNOAA

General Discussion / VATUSA Systems Recovery - Take 2
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:45:33 PM »
Is it my understanding that is being replaced by ?

Mr Gray

Virtual Airlines / New Special Ops Virtual Organization (VO)
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:42:19 PM »

There are pilots out there wishing to learn virtual military procedures flight simming, yet are reluctant to enter one or more of the current groups like VUSN, VUSAF, and others, due to their extensive specialized training programs, and the time it takes to basically get anywhere in your new virtual military jet, or to even get into your favorite jet, with all the red tape and paperwork you have to go thru.

The virtual 101st, as it is currently called, is the recruiting station for a set of gaming platforms including MSFS FS9/FSX, Falcon 4, LockOn/Flaming Cliffs, as well as ground assault games such as America's Army, COD 4, and Armed Assault 2.

I am trying to keep the number of games down to a minimum based on my own personal experience and that of others' interests wishing to join.

The ground forces squads act both independantly and together with the flight sims, again depending on players' interests.

The main focus is for new virtual military gamers ages 14 and up, that act responsibly and courteously in all aspects of the 'Air Wing'. Basic flight training and getting people interested in other VSOA's (special operations groups) on Vatsim is the primary goal. It is hoped that grads stay stay on for 3 months to help train as IP's (Instructor Pilots) before formally leaving.

It is not the purpose to retrain members who failed subsequent tests in other VSOA's (!), but to help them better understand what is required of them, and give them more time to 'learn the ropes'. As such, they could ask for a temporary LOA to get some training here; under such circumstances, a LOA or letter of agreement would have to be in force so that the pilot has a home to go back to (!) with all their previous training retained. Beware (!); most VSOA's force you to retrain from scratch; and in my opinion this is unnecessary.

It is hoped that such training as offered here can be used across all VSOA's, up to a certain training progression.

We will form agressor squadrons from the best pilots, as well as help train other VSOA pilots in certain programs, as our primary mission is 'Defensive BFM (Basic Fighter Maneouvors)'. Advanced training occurs in Falcon 4 / Allied Force.

We need at least 10-12 members to fly only 4 hours a month/person; that's only 1 hour a week (!) to become a Special Operations group on Vatsim, and continued advanced training occurs there as well. Those pilots have any option to leave after graduating, but at some point we will retain 10-12 members for 3 months or more, at which time only then can we apply for Vatsim VSOA consideration.

Interested pilots check out the entry website at:

Please note: It is not necessary to join the 101st Virtual here in order to join any other VSOA on Vatsim, however for new pilots to flight simming and especially Vatsim, it is highly recommended. It is possible to graduate in one month once training is setup, depending on the abilities of the pilot and availabilities of instructors.

You wont jump into an F-16 right away, but you will alot quicker than any other VO.

Good Luck !

Cdr "Stingray" Gray - XO 101st Airborne Where you're not just a pilot - your a warrior !

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