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Messages - Kyle Ramsey

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Cross the Gulf Event Helping Sandy Victim
« on: December 24, 2012, 12:34:31 PM »
Quote from: Nicola Felini
Has this event been approved in accordance with VATSIM policy?


After a few edits to come into compliance with VATSIM policies, this event has been issued VATSIM Approved Charity Certificate #9.

General Discussion / Integrity of the Network
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:28:55 PM »
Nice to know how private messages are handled by you, sir.

Since we're here, I'll elaborate.  The quote, as I mentioned above, wasn't deleted by me, wasn't hidden by me, etc.  It was from another forum.  By this I mean those who will take their realism to the point of violating other members' rights to enjoyment of this network.  We still have staff members who claim to hold this position, for them the words stand.  This is really a pretty small group overall.

Most of the rest of you are trying to do the right thing for VATUSA in general.  You aren't being ignored.  Don't do anything that prevents you from helping solve the problem.  If you quit, someone else will get to do that.

My time on the network is somewhat limited by personal situation and I'd love to fly more than I get to; I am a pilot, real and virtual, not really a controller - my S3 is from the time when they gave them out with much less rigor than today and was to facilitate TWR for my VSOA at KMOB.  But I give back by getting on VRC to help out Sups by taking a newbie pilot and spending the time with them so the Sup can go help elsewhere and to be available to anyone who wants to talk, to complain, to offer suggestions, or just be friendly.  I am in no way suggesting my time on the network is more valuable than anyone else's, and the controllers who plug in are the point of the spear and what all of us are focused on supporting.

General Discussion / VATSIM is only as good as the number of Controllers
« on: November 04, 2010, 01:15:52 PM »
Quote from: Greg Miller
I understand the training needing to be rigorous, it emulates the real world, and we know how tough real ATC is.  I don't get the "politics" part of it, do you have to be a Democrat?  

I don't get it either.  Why does an S2/3 need to even know politics go on at all?   Seems the local staff could protect them form any of that; it is part of what leaders do, I think.

Glad you are enjoying VATSIM Greg, I encourage you to do more than look at a scope but maybe pick an area you would enjoy controlling and try it out.  Then you can report back and let us know about the politics n the training pipeline.

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