Denver has a new FE!

Harry Linsenmayer

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Denver has a new FE!
« on: September 21, 2024, 05:53:14 PM »
Please join me in welcoming ZDV's newest FE, Jonah Lefkoff! Jonah has been apart of the FE Team since early 2021, and has been a critical member of the FE Team at ZDV and ZLC since before the ZDV-ZLC staff merger. Jonah also has experience as a part of the Web Team and as a Mentor. Thank you Jonah for stepping up!

I'd also like to give a massive thank you to Chris James for all the time he has devoted, and continues to devote, to ZDV as the outgoing FE and incoming TA. Chris will also continue to serve on the FE Team in addition to the TA duties.