Hi Mark,
Thanks for your input; I do appreciate it. Yes, there were multiple approaches bantered about, running the gamut from ignoring the closures entirely to just closing everything on 4/7, regardless of FAA implementation date. Though no solution will please 100% of everyone, I believe that, as I said earlier without trying to chase hourly or daily NOTAMs, the direction to do what the RW does, is a reasonable compromise. I'm not going to chase hourly or daily NOTAMs, I don't expect any of the ATMs to, and I certainly don't expect any controller to. I'm hoping common sense will prevail and we react to things that are cast in Jello or more firm (things that look like they will stick for a month or more), not daily whims. I appreciate the walk, don't run analogy; the folks in Boston will tell you I'm a strong proponent of that. But I did want to get a little ahead of the 4/7 date solely to ensure we were handling this situation in as much of a standardized method as possible. Unfortunately, my crystal ball isn't working (otherwise I'd have hit the lottery and would be retired in Aruba ), so am relying on ATMs' common sense on how to implement this in each of the ARTCCs for the affected facilities. If nothing else, let's hope that all the RW closure stuff gets resolved quickly, and treat this as something to inject a little "freshness/flexibility/spontanaity/challenge/(or whatever you want to call it)" into our hobby. Thanks again - your concern and thoughts are certainly valid!