[img]http://laartcc.org/images/events/calscream.jpg\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]
This May 17th from 23:45 - 04:00z, the Los Angeles and Oakland ARTCCs will be hosting the 15th California Screamin'! Since its inception in 2001, CalScream is considered to be one of VATSIM's oldest and largest events.
Which airports will be staffed?ZLA will staff KLAX, KLAS, KSAN, KSNA, KONT, KBUR and more
ZOA will staff KSFO, KOAK, KSJC, KSMF, KMRY, KRNO and more
This event promises a good turnout from both pilots and controllers. Pilots are encouraged to sign up and read more details at the CalScream website: