After discussions with VATSIM, VATUSA has changed a bit of the way it processes promotions. Rather than promotions queuing up to be distributed to VATSIM twice daily, promotions are now processed immediately. This means that CERT will be aware of rating changes when approved and the VATSIM servers within a couple of hours as they receive updates from CERT. This will allow our controllers to utilize their new ratings much quicker than before.
Staff, when processing ATC rating changes, please look for the message "Change posted to CERT." If this message does not display, the rating change was not processed. If this occurs, please try again. If it fails again, please submit a trouble ticket to Data Services so I can investigate.
This only affects rating promotions submitted after 0825Z 30 March 2015. All rating changes submitted prior that haven't been processed will still be processed by the cron job.