Looking To Transfer To A New Facility That Needs Staff And Has Active Mentors

Mark Stapledon Jr.

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Hi All,

I am currently with ZLA which I was with for many years until I went inactive quite a few years ago. I am a S3 and looking to transfer to a new facility that needs controllers and has active mentors to get me behind the scope again. I am having a little trouble getting ZLA to give a OTS so I can solo again and weeks have gone by and although I live in San Diego California I am open to moving to a facility that needs some staff and has some good support. I am not unhappy with ZLA, I just know they are very busy and have a lot of controllers to work with. If anyone has any ideas or any Facility Directors / Staff would like to chime in I would appreciate it. I look forward to hearing from you and hope to be back behind the scope as quickly as possible. - Thanks!!

Rick Rump

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There are a few active facilities looking for people. If you want somewhere that needs people and has trainers available looking at ZMP or ZAU is not a bad idea.

I believe ZOB, ZLC and ZDV are short on controllers but that's purely anectodal.

Best of luck!

Tony Jeppesen

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Come on up to ZSE we have active training staff, and on average are getting about 90+ hours of training done a month.