It's that time of the year again! Prepare yourself for one the larger events on the VATSIM calendar and you are invited to join in the fun!
WorldFlight 2015
This year, WorldFlight will be celebrating its 15th year of operations. WorldFlight will start in Sydney (YSSY) on 01 November and will finish 7 days later.
WorldFlight is a virtual round the world flight that raises money for selected charities around the world. There will be a number of fixed based simulators participating in the event. Full ATC coverage from both local and international controllers will be provided throughout the event as it makes its way around the world.
Join the WorldFlight this year by participating in the event as it makes its way through your region, by flying one of the 45 designated flights or by controlling. Pilots are welcome to start your journey anywhere along the event, expect congested airspace and challenging approaches into a number of locations around the world.
As always, we are looking for all ARTCCs that will be seeing WF arrivals, departures and/or overflights to staff up appropriately for an event of this size, even -- as best you can -- in the middle of the night. Overflight Centers should plan on 1-2 CTR controllers. Arrival/Departure airports should plan on needing 1-2 CTR, 2-3 APP, 1 DEP, and a full cab, including TWR, GND and DEL!
For more information, including route details, flight plans, suggested scenery links and updates throughout the event, please visit: go to the OPERATIONS|DOWNLOADS to get the files.
VATUSA Schedule Highlights:Flight From To Sched Departure Sched Arrival
WF1535 Monterrey Houston 11/05/2015 2010 11/05/2015 2135
WF1536 Houston Tupelo 11/05/2015 2305 11/06/2015 0045
WF1537 Tupelo Oklahoma City 11/06/2015 0135 11/06/2015 0315
WF1538 Oklahoma City Denver 11/06/2015 0405 11/06/2015 0545
WF1539 Denver Phoenix 11/06/2015 0635 11/06/2015 0825
WF1540 Phoenix San Francisco 11/06/2015 0915 11/06/2015 1110
WF1541 San Francisco Honolulu 11/06/2015 1200 11/06/2015 1710
WF1542 Honolulu Nadi 11/06/2015 1800 11/07/2015 0035
Full schedule here:
Controlling WorldFlight, and cooperating with WorldFlight ControllersReminder that WorldFlight controllers are authorized to control any USA airspace where VATUSA controllers are not present. Most will defer is a VATUSA controller comes online, but are not required to. Best bet for good relations is if a WF controller is online and you'd like to staff, come on as an OBS, identify yourself as a home ARTCC controller, and offer to either relieve the WF controller if they wish, or ask where you can be most useful. The idea here is to stay friendly, keep up good relations, and make it a great experience for everyone.