My sincerest apologies to all of the controllers who worked the event tonight. i suffered a very unfortunate glitch with "swift" and wound up spamming the Guard channel repeatedly until I figured out what was going on.
At one point I recieved a PM from a friend who was online as a pilot. When I responded, that response went over COM2 for some inexplicable reason. Unfortunately, it was set on 121.5. All of the ensuing PMs that I then got from controllers & a SUP, I was able to answer via PM -- but when I tried typing back to my pilot friend it just went over COM2. Once I finally figured it out I (a) tuned COM2 to another frequency and (b) gave up trying to PM my friend back.
Proof is here if you don't believe me: again. I know it was disruptive, and I know I wound up looking like an idiot.