I had the EXACT same problem. I would only get kicked when I was working CTR during big events, like FNO's or Cross the Pond (The worse times to get kicked trust me). My problem was I thought it would be a good idea to use servers like Europe, Uk, and Oceanic, because hey, when we Americans are online the American servers must be worse to use because of all the people right? Wrong. A pretty stupid mistake for somebody who's been controlling this long lol. To find the best server for you go on VATSPY (ServInfo does this also but I don't know how), go to "Network Servers" and click their link to show the ones with the fastest speeds. I don't know much about exactly what it is, but usually it's the one closest to where you live (I live in FL, USA-E works best for me). I hope this helps.
Andrew Murfin