Actually, the event was posted incorrectly. The only place in the world that the day would change at 0000z is at the dateline. So, if you were standing in London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, Reykjavik or Casablanca then yes.... 0000z would turn the date to the 17th and 2359z would still keep you on the 16th. However, if you were to stand in Colorado at 0000z ( GMT -6 ) then the current date and time would still be 1800MDT on the 16th of the month. The only confusion is people think that 0000z magically turns the date to the next day everywhere in the world.... which it doesn't.
If you were to post your event at 0000z on the 16th of the month pilots would know to be there at 1800MDT on the 16th of the month... because it's in Colorado, and thanks to the conversion process. It is absolutely correct to say 0000z on the 16th. 2359z has absolutely no effect on what day it is... that just makes it 1759MDT on the same day ( Unless you're standing in London ). Truthfully... all the other ECs know this and that's why we never have issues posting events on the VATUSA Calendar.
Hope this helps.
Lloyd O Boyette | EC/MTR
That is not correct. Zulu is its own time zone, essentially. Once it hits 0000z, no matter where you are standing, as long as you refer to zulu time you also refer to the zulu date. As real world ATC, I can attest that this is how zulu time is used for aviation. It's also same with time zones. Just because you are standing in mountain, when eastern time zone hits midnight, and you refer to the eastern time, you also are referring to the eastern date.
Saturday, 16 October, 10:00PM Mountain
Sunday, 17 October, 12:00AM Eastern
Sunday, 17 October, 4:00AM GMT/Zulu
^ Refer to the same point in time.
So, if you refer to 0400Z and mean 2200 Mountain, you would say 17 October, 2010 at 0400z. When you convert it to Eastern, you subtract 4 hours.. which moves it to 17 October, 2010 at 0000L. When you move it to mountain, you subtract a total of 6 hours, since it moves it past midnight you subtract a day... thus 0400z 17 October 2010 becomes 2200L 16 October 2010.
Here's a tool that will do it for you.