Hello Everyone!
I'd like to kindly invite everyone to fly for ZOA's EC, Jonathan Cox, as he takes his Oakland Center PV exam.
Sunday, December 18 from 1:00pm - 3:30pm (21.00 -23:30 Zulu).
Please note the date, as it was incorrectly typed in the subject!!
Fly in and out of the San Francisco Bay Area (KSFO, KOAK, KSJC, KSMF, KMRY) , out over the Sierra Nevada mountains to Reno (KRNO) or try the more unusual airports in ZOA's airspace: Mammoth Lakes (KMMH), Chico Municipal (KCIC) or Redding airport (KRDD). There should be plenty of local controllers available to increase the enjoyment of your flight. Please come and make Jonathan sweat to earn his final certification.