[img]http://www.cathaypacificva.com/lib/skins/CathayVirtual/images/logo.png\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]
Cathay Pacific Virtual is currently seeking applications for the Director of Communications (CX3).
Manage, update and create documents as requested by other directors.
Moderate forums, Facebook groups and Facebook pages.
Management of Facebook Page.
Moderate Pilot Registrations.
TeamSpeak Moderation.
Staff Application Review.
Construction and distribution of promotional content.
Time Commitment
The estimated time commitment associated with this role is approximately 3-5 hours per week. It is an expectation of this role that you have (and will continue to maintain during your tenure) regular access to email and are able to participate in discussions on Forums, Facebook and Staff Chats.
Requirements of role
The successful candidate will meet the following minimum requirements:
Preferably have participated in events at Cathay Pacific Virtual and have completed several flights.
Preferably have Leadership experience.
Be experienced in the involvement of clubs, groups or online organisations
Posses very strong communication skills
Be a member of Cathay Pacific Virtual
Be in good standing with Cathay Pacific Virtual
Application Instructions
Applications should be sent via email to coo@cathaypacificva.com AND ceo@cathaypacificva.com before Sunday 9th February, 2014 2359z.
Applications should include details of:
Your aviation background (real world and/or virtual)
What skills and/or experience that you believe that you will be able to bring in order to improve the overall Cathay Pacific Community.
A statement outlying how you meet the above minimum requirements of the role
A statement explaining with some ideas regarding "Staying in touch with our pilots".
These statements should address each of the points listed in the requirements of the role in depth, and in detail.
Applications will be received and reviewed by an Appointment Committee consisting of:
1. Director/CEO
2. Deputy Director/COO
3. Another Director
and will remain in confidence to the Cathay Pacific Virtual Board.
Thanks and good luck..!