FedEx Express Virtual Cargo

Mark Hubbert

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FedEx Express Virtual Cargo
« on: January 13, 2016, 06:25:41 PM »
I am posting this thread to announce that FedEx Express Virtual Cargo ( is no more.  As the Vice President Flight Operations I am sending this message in hopes that this message may reach some of the current pilots.  The Management of this organization has lost contact with a key member who owned and managed the website.  We have not been able to get in touch for quite some time.  The domain for the airline was not renewed and without any response from the owner and website manager all hopes of rejuvenating the airline are gone.  Having been a member since 2008 and shortly after the airline was started it is truly a sad moment for me to have to type this post.  For the current pilots and former pilots, I want to thank you for your time served with the airline as I truly enjoyed my time served.  I was very fortunate to have met both in person, online and via teamspeak some very nice people and for those who I had the opportunity and honor to fly group flights with, I truly cherish those flights as they were a lot of fun.

I do not know what the future holds but myself, Mike Tabb, Allan Burek and Garen Evans have entertained discussion about starting another FedEx Express Virtual but at this time it is pre-mature to speculate whether or not we can even get started or offer some sort of time frame.

Wesley Miles

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Re: FedEx Express Virtual Cargo
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 06:51:04 AM »
Sorry to hear this.  Always enjoyed talking to you guys.  Looking forward to seeing a version 2 someday.