I've received a couple emails so far... if you were assigned an exam prior to 6:00AM Central on 8/20/2016, your assignment was not transferred over to the new site as stipulated at
http://www.vatusa.net/forums/index.php?topic=5446.0. The reason is due to the drastic differences in the databases and the way exams are handled and assigned.
What do I do?Please contact your instructor or facility staff and request the exam be reassigned.
What exams were affected?All except for the entry Basic ATC Exam. This includes facility exams, SOP exams and rating exams.
What changed?The exams allow test creators to define the percentage required to pass (50, 60, 70, 80%, etc), the waiting period between retakes (1-14 days), etc. The handling of questions and answers is much smarter in that special characters no longer randomly flag an answer as incorrect. The code is much more efficient in the back-end.