Beautiful Sunset and Evening Arrival At ENBR Bergen

Aharon Dayan

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Beautiful Sunset and Evening Arrival At ENBR Bergen
« on: October 16, 2019, 03:40:32 PM »
Shalom and greetings all my pals,

Presenting a beautiful sunset and evening flight number FL7068 from BIKF Keflavík Airport located 31 miles southwest of Reykjavík which is the capital of Iceland to ENBR Bergen Airport that is the second-busiest airport in Norway

Cruising at FL350

Check out the tail view of sunset

Passing Faroe Islands

More sunset view!

Passengers sitting on right side or right windows are lucky to have this view!

Passing Shetland Islands seen below the plane with amazing view of sunset and sky

Sorry  cannot resist sunset view

More sunset

Logo tail light turned on to get ready for runway approach to runway 17

Stop drolling over that sunset view

Look at the moon!

At 10,000 ft now

On final runway approach

Seconds before touchdown

TOUCHDOWN!!!!  Yikes it must be SO COLD that there is no tire smoke or snow splattering!!

Front landing gear wheels gliding down gracefully

Reverse thrusters being engaged

Slowing down to exit from runway 17 to taxiway A6 on way to my favorite ENBR gate number 26

Holding on taxiway A6 awaiting for clearance from ENBR airport ground controller to taxi to my gate

Anybody want to translate the sign for me while the plane is taxiing to the gate??

Arrived at the gate and docked there

Thank you for viewing and stay tuned for next exciting flight.

