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  • (0100z - 0500z) Green Christmas FNO: January 05, 2024

[06 Jan 2024 0100 - 0500z] Green Christmas FNO

Vi Jackson

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    • vZSE ARTCC
[06 Jan 2024 0100 - 0500z] Green Christmas FNO
« on: December 16, 2023, 08:37:30 PM »

ATTN: This event is scheduled 1 hour later than the normal VATUSA FNO time to accommodate the schedules of west coast controllers. The event will start at 8 PM Eastern, and end at 12 AM Eastern, Jan 06 (5 PM - 9 PM Pacific). This is still Friday for those of us in the Americas, but due to time difference it is Saturday, Jan 06 in zulu time.

ZSE Pilot Briefing:

You thought you would have snow on Christmas? We thought so too, but Mother Nature said no! Come and join us in the West Coast's gray weather on Friday, Janurary 5th! ZVR and ZSE have the pleasure to host the first Friday Night Operations of the year! Challenge Canuck controllers at CYVR and check out Rose City just south at KPDX!

Featured Airports: CYVR and KPDX. CYVR is the premier VATSIM airport in Western Canada, and you're sure to have a beautiful view of the British Columbia coastline on approach! KPDX, often rated as one of the best passenger airports in the United States, is home to high terrain and busy finals, perfect for our experienced pilots.

With this unique VATCAN partnership, we hope to showcase some of the underappreciated Northwest airports, and the unpredictable weather of a Cascadian winter (Be prepared for IFR conditions!). Pilots are encouraged to fly realistic routes from neighboring ARTCCs/FIRs, and our ZVR/ZSE air traffic controllers will provide professional ATC for enjoyable winter flying. We look forward to seeing you flood the Northwestern skies on January 5th!

Note: Pilots conducting flights between ZVR and PDX, or PDX and ZVR, may be subject to delays to prevent congestion of the small airspace between our two event airports. We suggest departing an event field for a medium distance flight, and then flying back to the other event field, or flying into an event field from a non-event ARTCC.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 04:30:25 PM by Kai Demorest »