Denver has a new TA!

Harry Linsenmayer

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Denver has a new TA!
« on: September 19, 2024, 09:56:26 PM »
First off, I'd like to give a massive thank you to Mike Bencivenga for his time and commitment to the TA role over the last year. Mike has been a massive asset to ZDV for the entire time he has been here, and I'd like to wish him luck as he moves on to become senior staff at ZKC. Additionally, big thanks to him for staying around as the interim TA until we could find a new one.

Secondly, I'm thrilled to announce our newest TA, Chris James! Chris has been a member of ZDV for over 10 years consecutively, and has had involvement at ZDV for over 15 years. Chris has held nearly every VATUSA-recognized staff position during his time in Denver, including a previous stint as TA. Thank you Chris for your time and commitment to ZDV, and welcome back to the senior staff!