Take one RD, who doesn't support his staff. Add one VP of Regions, who seems to subscribe to "why say it in 10 words, when you can say it in 1000". Contradicting himself from forum post to forum post. Throw in a weak EC, add a dose of an over reaching board that tends to everyone's business including attempts to impede a member's "due process". What do you get from that?
I think the answer is in front of us.
That is why I believe a VATUSA DD is required. Someone needs to support the ATMs!
As I have never worked with those mentioned here, all of my comments are speculative at best. Be that as it may, I'd like to chime in...yet again...for what it's worth
I find this contradicting and a bit odd. I find it difficult to believe that EVERYONE you mentioned above the DD has this many faults. From your framing of the situation, the problem does not lie in the arms of the ATM and DD, but rather with the entire senior management of VATSIM.
I have heard NUMEROUS times now that the VATUSA1 does not feel "supported" from above. This then drives them to quit.
You state that the whole goal of the DD is to "support" {I read that as fight for, stick up for, defend, etc.} the ATMs from "above".
My question is WHY is it a us vs. them scenario? Who is driving the wedge and conflict? Posts like this definitely don't go towards finding a solution, but rather, further drive that wedge in. It's rheotorical btw. Poor communication, i.e. not being on the same page, seems to be the key premise of all the threads around this situation. Expectation setting, accountablity, process flow, etc. etc. all seem to be at issue.
However, you win some, you loose some, and ultimately the Founders and BoG hold the keys to the castle, i.e. if they decided to stop paying for all this stuff, we'd be out a hobby. If they want something done a certain way, then you make your case, then live with the decision....good or bad.
Just quitting out right does NOT solve the problem, and by doing so you are basically leaving the rest of us out in the wind with no "support" from the so-called terrible upper management.
I just don't buy that.
From this post, JV, you make it sound like the RD, the VP of Regions, the President of VATSIM, and the entire EC are a bunch of idiots that should be fired out right....

Again, I don't buy that; not when the rest of the world doesn't seem to have the same problems as we do here in the U.S.
I do know this. Whomever applies to be VATUSA1 had better KNOW this situation exists, be very careful in their decision making, and go in with the understanding that your decisions may be overturned. Being a leader is as much about following as it is leading. Just remember that
Again, I don't have specifics about this situation, so my comments may be off base a bit (they usually are), but I don't think the entire upper management structure of VATSIM is as evil or stupid as your post (and many others) suggest. Are there issues? Most definitely. But beating the dead horse over and over and over and over again isn't going to solve them. I'm not sure what will, although the mass-resignation-in-protest route doesn't appear to work either.....that's what led me to my original post about do we even need a DD.
(sorry if I used 1000 words).....