That's fine, Bruce. I understand that you'll stick up for your folks, as I will mine. I believe that it is my duty as a staff member to speak up when I believe the actions of a VATUSA staff member, ARTCC staff member, or individual controller are out of line, and I believe Jason's use of the forums to continually berate the VATUSA and VATNA staff members are out of line, and I said so. I was not "attacking" your controller for my own satisfaction - there was a very simple reason for my comments to him. I recommended different courses of action that could be taken to achieve the goal he wants to achieve, and I never once said that his goals were not worthy of undertaking.
The next time that I say that one of your controllers is not fit to do their job, and poke fun at their lack of timeliness on a particular issue even though I know they are not being paid to do what they do, and then imply that they are not treating their constituents in a fair and equitable manner, and then accuse them of covering up alleged misuses of their powers, all in a public forum, then you can call it mistreatment of your controllers. Especially if I do it every day of the week. It is this type of behavior that I am calling to the table, and I feel that I am well within my limits as a VATUSA member, and a VATUSA staff member to do so if nobody else is going to say anything about it.
And I particularly loathe how I am left to defend my actions against completely different personnel while Jason has moved on to open a brand new "discussion" in a different post. As for your statement that the hammering of 05-05 is finished now, well he has, without stopping to breathe, begun to hammer the new policies, now that his hammering of 05-05 is done.
Jason, if you're still listening, I honestly admire your willingness to be so involved in the goings-on of VATUSA, and I would be quite happy to have these types of discussions with you on Teamspeak or some other voice-capable media, where I believe that many of these issues could be described and understood with much less time and effort. But if you want to do this, I do not understand why you are not part of the staff, which is where you need to be if you are to affect changes in the system - I believe I've said this to you before. And I believe your response was something along the lines of "the system doesn't care, the BoG is corrupt, VATNA is broken, VATUSA is impotent, etc., etc.," - so if you believe all of this, then how is it that you expect any of your great ideas to make it into the system, so to speak, if you are not there to do it yourself?