Boy I didn't think I'd return back to the forums, but some good friends ushered me back in this direction. I, too, left VATSIM for many of the reasons stated in this thread, although my view wasn't as popular back when I chose to make the decision. Everything said in this thread is entirely the reason why I resigned the Division Director position, and my dissent lead to my dismissal from the pilot training staff. I really feel bad for Gary, because as a former staff member I know exactly how it feels to not be considered as part of the solution to many problems. The BoG and Founders ARE out of touch with this organization and will continue to be until they actually listen to the constituency.
I would caution those applying the carte blanche principle to this debate. I can promise you that the entire BoG is not corrupt or out of touch, and I'm afraid Kyle Ramsey's remarks are being applied out of context. Kyle's experiences make him a valuable asset to VATSIM, and I would encourage everyone who has issues with VATSIM to speak with him because he WILL support a valid opinion that is supported by evidence. I worked with him for quite some time and I stand nothing to gain by the public praise, so take that for what it's worth.
Hopefully the upper management will recognize that David Klain's advice of "If you don't like it, then leave" is actually being taken. You've lost people who once had a passion for this hobby and for this organization. You are NOTHING without your volunteers, and this is something to think about as you see those of us who have left and those who are currently packing their bags. You're losing your playground.
[Insert all of AJ's post here, as he said it better than I could.]
- Alex
You and I have a mutual friend who was once the ATM of ZTL during SATCO days and a founding member of this network. Those of us posting in this forum are not the only ones who don't like the direction this network is going.....
To continue on:
As one who started back when this thing was called SATCO (I hear some 15 year old kid in the background saying, "What's SATCO???") I can say VATSIM as a whole has changed. Personally for me the change is a negative. I remember times on SATCO, using ProController mind you, when events would draw 300 pilots during the course of 4-5 hours. These pilots were taught Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. Some of you old heads remember having "TURN THEN TYPE!" listed in your controller info. The big difference back then is that the pilots were really keen about learning how to do things as closely as possible to real world procedures. Controllers were the same. As others have put it, we all took pride in bettering our understanding and craved anything that would increase it.
Now-a-days it seems, I say it SEEMS, certain groups of individuals have their minds set on lowering the standard of training which so many of us years ago put so much pride into. The sad part is that the perception behind the decisions implementing the new changes is one of making things easier for pilots. But it really is not a perception. This is real. For a network that requires controllers to undergo training, but allows pilots to login without so much reading one single manual, or even taking an entry exam... Well... Fair and Balanced? I think not. So all of us who have put in so much time and effort to SIMULATE the ATC Environment, suffer for the benefit of the new generation of pilots, and in many cases, ATC'ers.
But lets face the reality... The whole thing, IMHO, is about membership numbers. VATSIM is/was losing members (supposedly). I personally believe this is due to a continued lack of realism on the part of many, and the continued justification and totalitarianism of many within the upper ranks. This is not to say each member of the upper ranks sees things this way. I can assure that at least one does not.
IMHO, many of the decisions being made are introduced by those who are now in the position of getting their way. These same individuals are the ones who did not like realism from the beginning. The same ones who got mad at those of us who worked hard to be the best we could be. Now, like children who were once bullied but grew-up to be wealthy, they themselves are doing things their way, as if out of spite. Could I be wrong about this? Absolutely. But when these individuals make the remarks that are too commonly quoted throughout these forums and elsewhere, it doesn't take a whole lot to see how many of these guys are acting like spoiled brats.
I think AJ summed up the feelings most of us 'relics' from days gone by are feeling. I personally think perhaps it is time for a division of individuals to split off from VATSIM and start a new organization which tailors to the realists. I mean, how ironic would that be? Years ago IVAO was founded by former SATCO/VATSIM members due to circumstances similar, albeit quite the opposite, of what we are experiencing now with VATSIM. Too much realism in IVAOs eyes (amongst other, more politcal reasons). Perhaps VATSIM is quickly becoming the new IVAO. Again, how ironic would that be?
I personally will not resign from VATSIM as I truly do love this community and try to give it as much as I can. VATSIM is about the best as it gets when it comes to online flying, and I do still have many enjoyable moments on the network and many folks whom I consider friends. If however, something better were to come along, well.........
So Alex, it's nice of you to share with us. From one old head to another, blue skies.
To everyone else who is singing a Peter Frampton song right now, tail winds to you.
Do You Feel Like We Do.....Oh that's true"