Northeast Virtual - Hiring Instructors!

Michael Dugan

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Northeast Virtual - Hiring Instructors!
« on: November 24, 2012, 04:54:27 AM »
Northeast Virtual Airline is seeking instructors and mentors as we prepare to begin accepting pilots.


    250 logged flight hours, with 125 landings (offline)
    150 logged flight hours with 60 landings (online)
    Demonstrated knowledge of VFR and IFR operations to include ILS
    Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of at least one aircraft type - almost any modern commercial aircraft is acceptible
    Desire to help new pilots learn to fly in a structured training environment


    Maintain availability of 2 hours per week for instruction
    Perform verbal and written review of exam content
    Administer and grade practical exams and checkout flights
    Perform in-flight training on specific aircraft types
    Communicate training progress with the training administrator
    Maintain awareness of pilots who are ready for advancement, and those who need additional training

Position Details:
The instruction and training staff (Master Instructors, Senior Instructors, Instructors, Mentors) will be appointed by and report directly to the Training Administrator. They will function as operational staff members, and must take and pass an in-flight checkout with the Training Administrator prior to receiving full instructor privileges.

If you come to us with the knowledge and practical skills of a pilot, we will give you the tools and knowledge to be an effective and competent instructor!

For further information or to apply, see contact information below:

Mike Dugan
Northeast Virtual Training Administrator