Thanks again, folks, for all of the good wishes you have sent our way. It's now been a week, and Bob and I are still working in lock-step down our list of priorities -- fill the open staff positions, ensure an aligned HQ staff, then meet with the ARTCC staff to ensure alignment there as well. Our medium-to-long-term priorities include working on our training system, ensuring a standardized, updated, and effective approach that all ARTCCs can take advantage of (if they so choose).
We are working fast and furious to meet our goals. Just so nobody thinks I packed it in, I leave next Monday for a week's vacation with my family, and will have very limited access to email (on my blackberry only) and no access to the back-room structure. Bob will be sitting in the hot seat for the week, and is perfectly suited to do so. That said, all the critical staff positions should be filled by the end of the month (some more this week!), we'll then have a VATUSA HQ staff meeting to ensure alignment, and then invite the ARTCC staff to do a meet and greet, and then get down to business planning out more progress for the Division.
A quick note on filling the HQ staff positions -- I am absolutely blown away by the caliber of the personnel who have offered their time and talents to move the Division forward. I appreciate all the interest, and rest assured, the fact that selecting the staff will be a hard chore for Bob and I is a good problem to have -- we will have an outstanding staff leading us into the future.
Thanks to everyone who has noticed the momentum. Let's keep it up!