Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?

Jason Powell

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Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« on: November 30, 2016, 12:03:20 PM »

I am new to VATSIM (and studying for my basic controller exam), but have not delved into all of the technical minutia re: the actual network, client install and configuration, etc.

I'd like to perhaps link up with an experienced controller in my local (i.e., in-real-life) area to be able see, experience, and hear firsthand what VATSIM is really all about for a controller before I yet commit lots of time or thought to this. It would also be nice to make some local, IRL friends who also just happen to enjoy VATSIM.

I'm sure that I will enjoy it, and lots of you will say, "Just jump in and do it!" but my methodically-natured brain insists on researching things thoroughly (perhaps exhaustively) before going "whole-hog". there a non-trivial way to locate and/or contact controllers who might reside in my area (KCVG/KLUK)? I'm planning to join ZMA for training and long-term experience (nothing against ZID!), so posting in ZID's site forums might not be feasible.



Toby Rice

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2016, 07:34:02 PM »
While not close enough to be convenient, I'm at KBNA/M02.

Wish we were closer!  Love to help.  Maybe a cross-country in the near future is in order...

Josh Glottmann

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2016, 09:05:21 PM »
Evening Jason,

Although I'm more than 1000 miles away from CVG, I'd be more than happy to have a chat with you about controlling.
Honestly, I don't think it's particularly necessary to be in person to see what controlling is all about on the network. There are plenty of videos with people controlling (usually events - which have significantly more traffic than usual). Sure, you don't get to see their physical computer and be speaking with them, but it should give you a pretty good picture about what's happening. On top of that, there're also plenty of people (including myself) that stream when they're controlling. If you can find some of those people controlling, then you can also have a chat with them while looking at their scope.

Best of luck with your controlling, hope to see you at ZMA!

Nicholas Watkins

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2016, 07:34:23 AM »
Hey Jason!

At Atlanta we have a couple of controllers from the area!  Our DATM is from Louisville and I'm just north of Indy.  We've got a couple other folks in the midwest as well.  If we can be of any help or you just wanna chat, feel free to hop on atlanta TS anytime.

Hope to see you on the scopes!

Jason Powell

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2016, 02:19:20 PM »
While not close enough to be convenient, I'm at KBNA/M02.

Wish we were closer!  Love to help.  Maybe a cross-country in the near future is in order...

Evening Jason,

Although I'm more than 1000 miles away from CVG, I'd be more than happy to have a chat with you about controlling.
Honestly, I don't think it's particularly necessary to be in person to see what controlling is all about on the network. There are plenty of videos with people controlling (usually events - which have significantly more traffic than usual). Sure, you don't get to see their physical computer and be speaking with them, but it should give you a pretty good picture about what's happening. On top of that, there're also plenty of people (including myself) that stream when they're controlling. If you can find some of those people controlling, then you can also have a chat with them while looking at their scope.

Best of luck with your controlling, hope to see you at ZMA!

Thanks for the replies, encouragement, and offers, guys. =)

Maybe I just need to figure out the whole TeamSpeak thing to get chatting online with folks just starting off like me, then? I assume that TeamSpeak servers are vARTCC-specific, and that I'll need to be officially on the ZMA roster?

Just purchased a fresh, new copy of Windows 7 Professional from eBay so that I can run VRC in Parallels on my Macbook Pro. I'm off to watch YouTube tutorials on getting VRC set up.

Oh, and I guess that I need to figure out how to take my Basic Controller exam, huh?



Jason Powell

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2016, 04:05:46 PM »
Hey Jason!

At Atlanta we have a couple of controllers from the area!  Our DATM is from Louisville and I'm just north of Indy.  We've got a couple other folks in the midwest as well.  If we can be of any help or you just wanna chat, feel free to hop on atlanta TS anytime.

Hope to see you on the scopes!

Thanks, Nicholas--I would very much enjoy meeting up with either (or both) of you sometime--SDF and IND are both easy drives for me! (Hmmm...CVG is about right in the middle *coughcough* ;)

Right now, my brain hurts from trying to figure out which vARTCC to sign up for. ZTL and ZOA look like they have some really active and well-organized training departments, but ultimately, I'd like to someday control out of ZMA. Decisions, decisions!

*Later that hour*

Soooo...I jumped on ZTL TS as you recommended (I'm a total TS n00b, by the way), and while I was text chatting with an innocuous-looking S1 (who seemed very nice), this gentleman popped up:

<16:39:03> "Josh Davidson": hey whats your VATSIM CID?
<16:43:00> "Jason Powell": 1374988
<16:43:27> "Josh Davidson": OK cool
<16:43:43> "Jason Powell": Keeping the riff-raff out? LOL
<16:43:52> "Josh Davidson": I highly recommend flying before controlling. It makes it easier. Also note this TS if ro Atlanta ARTCC controllers/members only.
<16:44:06> "Josh Davidson": That's why they block entry
<16:45:10> "Jason Powell": Ah, sorry--a ZTL member over in one of the VATSIM forums recommended that I connect and try to chat with folks about choosing ZTL as my home.
<16:45:31> "Josh Davidson": Do you mind advising who?
<16:45:36> "Jason Powell": Let me look
<16:45:50> "Jason Powell": I have about 8,000 tabs open.
<16:46:16> "Josh Davidson": Well, I can tell you the Training is fantastic, the staff is nice and supportive, and the only artcc that lets S1s control tower ;0
<16:46:19> "Josh Davidson": xD
<16:46:40> "Jason Powell": Sweet.
<16:46:52> "Jason Powell": Nicholas Watkins was the one who referred me.
<16:46:56> "Josh Davidson": ahh OK.

Aaaaaaand I was suddenly banned from the server (I have no idea who did it--Josh seemed very nice, and I think was unlikely to have done it).



Camden Bruno

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2016, 01:21:58 PM »

At BVA we have pilot and controller members from all over the nation and world.

If you're interested in gaining knowledge and experience about the network, client configuration, and flying in general, I encourage you to apply here to join Boston Virtual ARTCC as a pilot member. We are an integrated community of pilots and controllers who operate within the Boston (ZBW) ARTCC but also venture across the world during group flights and such.

As a pilot member, beyond having a place to hangout and meet friends, fellow enthusiasts, etc. you can also make use of our training material. Everything from setting up your simulator and getting online, to actually flying the plane. Once you're ready to take the next step as a member, you can also participate in the Boston Virtual ARTCC (BVA) Pilot Ratings Program (PRP). This program brings you around the Boston airspace and introduces you to new airports along with a variety of different procedures ranging from simple VFR pattern work to advanced instrument approaches. It will develop your skills as a pilot and, upon completion, qualifies you for the P3, P4, and P5 VATSIM pilot ratings.

While some people are comfortable with simply "jumping in", we don't blame you for wanting some guidance as it can be a daunting experience getting on the scopes or into the cockpit. Another program available to you as a pilot member is the "Share the Scope" program we have at BVA, which allows pilot members to sit-in and share a screen with a controller, while they explain what they're doing. This has proven to make future controllers more comfortable and familiar with the various aspects of controlling.

If you join, are accepted, and put a post up on the forum similar to this one, I'm sure you'll be able to find someone in your area who can help you out in-person.

Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. You can reach out directly at


Johnathan Ellis

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2016, 03:53:35 PM »

Thanks, Nicholas--I would very much enjoy meeting up with either (or both) of you sometime--SDF and IND are both easy drives for me! (Hmmm...CVG is about right in the middle *coughcough* ;)

Right now, my brain hurts from trying to figure out which vARTCC to sign up for. ZTL and ZOA look like they have some really active and well-organized training departments, but ultimately, I'd like to someday control out of ZMA. Decisions, decisions!

*Later that hour*

Soooo...I jumped on ZTL TS as you recommended (I'm a total TS n00b, by the way), and while I was text chatting with an innocuous-looking S1 (who seemed very nice), this gentleman popped up:

<16:39:03> "Josh Davidson": hey whats your VATSIM CID?
<16:43:00> "Jason Powell": 1374988
<16:43:27> "Josh Davidson": OK cool
<16:43:43> "Jason Powell": Keeping the riff-raff out? LOL
<16:43:52> "Josh Davidson": I highly recommend flying before controlling. It makes it easier. Also note this TS if ro Atlanta ARTCC controllers/members only.
<16:44:06> "Josh Davidson": That's why they block entry
<16:45:10> "Jason Powell": Ah, sorry--a ZTL member over in one of the VATSIM forums recommended that I connect and try to chat with folks about choosing ZTL as my home.
<16:45:31> "Josh Davidson": Do you mind advising who?
<16:45:36> "Jason Powell": Let me look
<16:45:50> "Jason Powell": I have about 8,000 tabs open.
<16:46:16> "Josh Davidson": Well, I can tell you the Training is fantastic, the staff is nice and supportive, and the only artcc that lets S1s control tower ;0
<16:46:19> "Josh Davidson": xD
<16:46:40> "Jason Powell": Sweet.
<16:46:52> "Jason Powell": Nicholas Watkins was the one who referred me.
<16:46:56> "Josh Davidson": ahh OK.

Aaaaaaand I was suddenly banned from the server (I have no idea who did it--Josh seemed very nice, and I think was unlikely to have done it).




I apologize for your experience on our server. I will be looking into what happened. Your experience does not follow Atlanta standards. We welcome everyone to join us.

Jason Powell

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2016, 05:39:25 PM »

If you're interested in gaining knowledge and experience about the network, client configuration, and flying in general, I encourage you to apply here to join Boston Virtual ARTCC as a pilot member. We are an integrated community of pilots and controllers who operate within the Boston (ZBW) ARTCC but also venture across the world during group flights and such.

Hi, Camden--thank you for the warm greetings and invite. I'll take a look, and will definitely keep BVA in mind!


Jason Powell

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2016, 05:42:21 PM »
Aaaaaaand I was suddenly banned from the server (I have no idea who did it--Josh seemed very nice, and I think was unlikely to have done it).



I apologize for your experience on our server. I will be looking into what happened. Your experience does not follow Atlanta standards. We welcome everyone to join us.

John--thanks for clarifying. I'm sure that they meant well. No worries!


Robert Shearman Jr

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2016, 11:44:55 AM »
Jason -- the key virtue to keep hold of through all of this is patience.  Don't expect that you'll be controlling a full scope within a few weeks or even a few months.  It takes time to build up through the ranks and learn things piece by piece.  Don't rush yourself.  There's something of value to be taken from every step.  Best of luck!  -R.

Charles Messina

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Re: Method to find fellow controllers in my local area?
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2016, 03:09:40 PM »
Some people stream control sessions live on twitch.