It's about as "cross-platform" (i.e. multiple website) as you can probably get to avoid having 23 booking systems with 23 different sets of data.
Assuming that the plan was for VATUSA to generate it and host the data here, and have external sources (vattastic, VATSPY, etc) pull the data for display, that would indeed be ideal.
What I would add though is instead of re-inventing the wheel here I'd like to see support and a push from Division down to the ARTCC's to integrate the popular booking platform VATBOOK. The advantage here is that it's already displayed in several of the online clients (notably vRoute, although if I recall ServInfo also pulls data), as well as offers a global audience.
So we source this through them, and post? Good thought on not re-inventing the wheel... Best not to waste the time of our web team if the "wheel" already exists.
I agree with your comments, Ken. I think more of the discussion will be on how we implement this policy-wise, rather than technical-wise.
We have not had a single case of bad feedback or a complaint from a pilot saying "hey, ZBW was supposed to be staffed and then the guy removed his name" in the 5+ years we have used this system. Part of that is likely because we're very clear that the Timetable is not like an event sign-up, and everything is optional.
I find that surprising, as many pilots have been known to complain about it in more public forums (vattastic chat, etc) when a controller logs off prior to their arrival. Maybe it's because they're not necessarily scheduled, in those cases... In the specific case of ZBW's system, maybe the pilots just don't want to bother leaving feedback about the system when there's the occasional breakdown? Maybe your controllers are so likely to follow their commitments (as I wish we all were

) that it's never been seen as an issue? Either way, your success with it is encouraging and is likely to be a very good reason for us to give it a try on a division-wide scale.
So should we, as a division, follow the example of ZBW and make this more of a pilot community, especially with the timetable? I find it to be rare for most pilots to show up here independently, so should we start advertising as a place for pilots to come and find out division info?
All good points. I figure all we can do is offer it, encourage it (both from ATC and pilot perspectives), and at least we won't have the incessant ankle biting that we seem to get on the VATSIM forums.... 
So is the plan now to offer it, in hopes that it will generate some success? As seems to be the case with the ARTCCs who do offer this to pilots, it may not be used all of the time, but it is a good thing to offer, at the very least.
So do we:
- Implement VATBOOK? (As a well-established system...)
- Write our own timetable? (Having to advertise it slightly more...)
Technical-wise, either could work...
It then becomes a matter of policy with regards to signups, removals, etc.
Do we:
- Offer it to both pilots and controllers?
- Offer it to pilots, and encourage (strongly) controllers to use it?
Further thoughts?