We are volunteers for the pilots plain and simple.
From my point of view, I don't volunteer my time to the pilots, I volunteer it to my ATC hobby. If you want to view it that way, by all means, but I don't. Others have also attempted to imply that opinions similar to yours are the only lens by which to view the network through. I reject that completely.
Again, if you want to view what you do as "servicing the pilots", go ahead and do that, but that's not how I view it and others shouldn't attempt to foist their more accommodating/servicing view of things onto others as if their way is the only way to view things.
Discussing what I wrote above, is still totally off topic from what Shane originally posted. I'll just go ahead and say, yes, I would rather have the shorter and concise phraseology over more words. I don't think that means I "don't give a darn about the pilots" either. I think it just means I like to do things a little more by the book than you do Cole, and you know what? In the grand scheme of things, that is probably just fine. You can have your version, and I can have mine.
Also, quoting you here,
it's simply a service they use because it is enjoyable. The moment the service becomes unenjoyable, they will be onto the next bigger brighter service.
I don't think any part about using concise phraseology or performing the duties that, under normal circumstances, a controller would perform on the network, constitutes an "unenjoyable" experience on the network. However,
even if it did I have no control and nor do other controllers, over what or when or if pilots decide to fly. If they decide the network is not for them, that is their prerogative, not mine.
This obviously does not mean I don't want them to fly on the network. I would be more than happy for as many pilots as practical fly on the network if that is what they so desire.