Becoming ATC

Pranav Srinivasan

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Becoming ATC
« on: May 14, 2020, 07:55:28 AM »
I want to start doing ATC on VATSIM. I just want to know if there needs to be any payware software on hand to become ATC or if everything is free?

David Stone

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2020, 08:38:30 AM »
All necessary software is free. Initial training will be provided by VATUSA and then the chosen ARTCC will provide additional training.

Tom Shiflet

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2020, 07:28:38 PM »
First off, I think the idea of Vatsim is pretty amazing. I started flying with Vatsim some over the past few months...just here and there. I fly mainly low and slow VFR aircraft from smaller fields. So my time in Vatsim has been somewhat limited because it doesn't seem to cater to that. But my time has been super enjoyable when timing works to have controllers in areas and positions that apply to me.

That said, I think the structure of information makes an unnecessarily high barrier of entry. There are bits of information scattered all over the place without a clear path for getting started and progressing. That mess of disorganized bits of info seems to especially apply to the process of becoming a controller. I'm really interested in towering a small GA airport because I think there are others like me that would enjoy flying a Cessna from something other than a major international airport.

The problem is that I can't find the information for what the process looks like to getting started. I've tried. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

EDIT: Just to be clear, I know about the link in "Join Us" that says to go complete all the "Block 1" stuff, etc. The problem is that 30 seconds into the first video, it says something about "Click the link in the email that you would have received..." So obviously there is something that has to happen before that in order for me to receive this email and to have this link to go download the software (which the whole video is about how to setup the video, so without the link it doesn't make any sense to start going through it).


David Stone

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2020, 09:56:51 PM »
Hello Tom,
Glad to hear you are interested in the ATC side of VATSIM. I have recently seen another reference to the initial video and I will offer the same advice regarding that. I believe this is intended to be an example of what to expect, not necessarily an action to take at this time. The email being referred to is the Welcome email which will be sent from your selected ARTCC 'AFTER' completing the training CBTs and the Basic S1 Exam. Just complete the training first and expect a similar email after.

Tom Shiflet

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2020, 10:15:57 PM »
Thank you for the quick response. As a teacher by trade, this rubs me the wrong way in many ways but it is what it is.  :)

Thank you again.

Hayden Young

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2020, 11:38:34 AM »
Thank you for the quick response. As a teacher by trade, this rubs me the wrong way in many ways but it is what it is.  :)

Thank you again.

I'm a career instructor as well, so I've enjoyed my time in the Training Administrator positions. These folks do a great job for a hobby group. Not everyone knows all our secrets.  ;)

Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2022, 09:48:30 PM »
i agree that there is a bar to high
its just no training to fly it seems.
but for atc you take a test, i did that,
then they want to train you a few times for a few hours. when i saw that i did not continue. i took the test why is that not enough, and apparently on one place you get del with no knowlge.
would be nice if only tests are needed. no live person tests.

Don Desfosse

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2022, 10:53:34 PM »
Yes, our expectations are much higher of ATC than "just take a written test and go control."  It takes quite a bit of learning and experience to be a good controller.  Part of that process is training sessions that lead to certifications that actually mean something.  That's the bar we set on this network and in this community.  It's not for everyone, and that's OK.

Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2022, 11:13:01 PM »
makes sense they want it to be realistic for everyone. I'm trying it again.

David Macfarlane

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2022, 01:15:32 PM »
Don, I have been a C1at both ZLC and ZDV, but have been away for about 4 years, and the pathway to the S1 test appears to be a bit littered with good information, but seems to have a lot of side-steps as you try and proceed. I have also encountered mixed information on the new ways of setting up audio and the scopes in VRC from the past. Change is good, but a simpler path to get to the initial plateau might be useful. Thanks!

Anthony Santanastaso

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2022, 01:02:04 PM »
Don, I have been a C1at both ZLC and ZDV, but have been away for about 4 years, and the pathway to the S1 test appears to be a bit littered with good information, but seems to have a lot of side-steps as you try and proceed. I have also encountered mixed information on the new ways of setting up audio and the scopes in VRC from the past. Change is good, but a simpler path to get to the initial plateau might be useful. Thanks!

I don't quite know what you mean by side-steps, so if you could, please email me some more detailed information and we can continue this discussion.

The VATUSA Academy has specific courses for how to setup the various radar clients. Four years ago, Audio for VATSIM was not a thing; therefore, the setup process is different now. Until new clients build into it the capability of working with VATSIM's new voice infrastructure, there will exist two applications that will require setup. As mentioned, we provide guidance in the Academy and offer new users opportunities to interact with many experienced members in the VATUSA Discord for some semblance of synchronous instruction.

David Macfarlane

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2022, 02:48:57 PM »
Don, What I am a bit confused by is the flow of progress. In my Dashboard, I show recently visited section images, yet in the course overview, they appear to be out of sequence. I believe I completed some sections, such as Basics of Air Traffic Control, yet with Optional items left UN-watched, I don't show 100% completion. A simple menu system showing things completed would be helpful, as it appears things are buried in the tree somewhere. I have also done a few of theses tasks and they do not show as either started or completed. I am concerned there may be progress that is not being remembered by the software. Thanks!

Hayden Young

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2022, 05:38:09 PM »
Hey David,

I took a look at your progress and it looks like you’re pretty on track up to ATC Basics 1.7. I don’t believe you’ll ever see 100% completion if you don’t do the optional units. But, while I encourage that you do those, that’s not an issue.

What exactly are you having trouble with?

David Macfarlane

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Re: Becoming ATC
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2022, 04:40:47 PM »
I keep taking tests at various parts of the process, usually in order, and some of them are not registering as completed. In trainee orientation for instance, I have gone thru an viewed all, but grades show 0%. There are other parts like flash cards I have gone thru and the same thing. Not showing completion. I completed the commitment statements and that still shows 0%. Not sure what is happening here. Is it because I am using Firefox? I took the entire Communication section, used CHROME for the audio part, and it still says I haven't completed HP5. I have no idea what that is referring to.