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Messages - William Anderson

Pages: [1] 2 3
Events / Re: Charlotte-Orlando Xfire FNO
« on: February 09, 2018, 11:31:27 AM »
Will default scenery be OK for the FNO ??  I am on a new sim build with P3DV4 and having problems with the KCLT scenery update load from FSDT..

Default scenery should be OK everywhere, any time, event or not.  If there are significant differences, it may be worth tossing a note in your filing for the controller's benefit.

CLT added an additional runway after FSX was released. If you put a note in your Flightplan, we will accommodate you.We are trying to ask if you have the third runway as far out as enroute, but it may not happen, so don't be afraid to speak out and say it.

Just be aware that our 36C is the default 36L and our 18C is the default 18R. Other than that, you should be good. 

News / Position Posting: Atlanta ARTCC Events Coordinator
« on: February 06, 2018, 07:40:41 AM »
Atlanta Center Seeks Events Coordinator

The Atlanta Center (ZTL) is now accepting applications for Events Coordinator.

*Reports to Atlanta Center Senior Staff (ATM, DATM, TA) and the VATUSA Events Manager/VA Liaison (VATUSA5)
*Creates plans, manages and executes events to generate pilot and controller participation while promoting Atlanta Center
*Coordinates with neighboring facilities to arrange support for Atlanta Center events and arranges Atlanta Center support for events held by neighboring facilities
*Maintains active relationship with virtual airlines, coordinates for VA-hosted events affecting Atlanta Center's airspace
*Develops and distributes marketing materials to promote events and the Atlanta Center
*Attends staff meetings as called by the senior staff
*Maintains active online presence on the Atlanta Center website, TeamSpeak, VATUSA Forum and the VATSIM network

Core Requirements
The successful candidate will:
*Be an active member of the network in good standing.
*Have an S3 rating or above.
*Maintain active membership and home controller proficiency and currency.
*Have excellent written and oral communication skills.
*Be able to work in a team environment.
*Have no disciplinary history or record of unprofessional behavior.
*Have experience with a raster graphics editor such as Photoshop or GIMP.
Highly Desired Skills and Abilities
Atlanta Center is particularly interested in persons who:
*Are loyal to ZTL and its mission and are self-motivated and proactive.
*Will be an active controller both during events and normal daily operations.
*Are able to demonstrate the qualities of understanding, honesty, patience, maturity and restraint.
*Can bring a verifiable level of experience sufficient to ensure the ability to manage events in a complex aviation environment.
*Understand and commit to a high level of participation with the knowledge that the position requires considerable devotion and commitment of time.

Please note that special considerations will be given to:
*Current, loyal, long-standing Atlanta Center home controllers
*Members with a high online presence
*Members with previous staff experience
*Members currently with an instructor rating or mentor status
*Mature individuals

Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should apply.
Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they MAY be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Serious Inquiries only - failure to send proper resume could potentially disqualify applicant

Applicants are invited to submit the following to at their earliest convenience but not later than February 20, 2018, 2359 UTC:

*Full Name, active e-mail address, and VATSIM CID
*Resume and brief letter of intent
*Your vision and goals for Atlanta Center events and ideas on how to increase pilot and controller participation in events sponsored by Atlanta Center and neighboring ARTCC events supported by Atlanta Center along with potential methods for achieving this.
*A letter of recommendation from your ATM, DATM or TA if you are not currently a home controller at ZTL.

News / ZTL is pleased to announce a new DATM!
« on: February 05, 2018, 08:11:11 PM »
The Atlanta Center proudly announces Meg Bruck as the new Deputy Air Traffic Manager. Meg was our former EC and has been a fantastic member of the staff team since she joined the ARTCC. We are looking forward to seeing what Meg will do in her expanded role!

News / Re: New Training Director Selected
« on: February 03, 2018, 12:01:29 PM »
Great choice! Look forward to working with you!

News / Position Posting: Atlanta ARTCC Deputy Air Traffic Manager
« on: January 04, 2018, 11:05:17 PM »
The Atlanta Center

The Atlanta Center is currently seeking applications for Deputy Air Traffic Manager who will assist the Air Traffic Manager in providing effective management and leadership of the VATUSA the Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control Center.

Key Accountabilities:
* Reports to the Atlanta Center Air Traffic Manager
* Maintains an active online presence within the facility and on the VATSIM network
* Functions as ARTCC Staff Member and attends periodic meetings as necessary
* Functions as the Supervisor for support staff positions
* Provides for coordination of position assignments and position restrictions when necessary
* Provides guidance and help to assigned controllers or guests
* Assists in the coordination of events that may affect the ARTCC's airspace
* Assists in management of the VATUSA Atlanta ARTCC Roster
* Other duties as assigned by the Air Traffic Manager

Required Skills:
* Must be an active member of the network in good standing
* Currently hold a rating of Senior Student (S3) or higher (if the applicant holds an S3, must be willing to attain a C1 within 120 days)
* Capable of working well in a team-oriented environment
* Must have excellent written and oral communication skills

Desired Skills:
* Real world managerial or supervisory experience
* Demonstrated possession and utilization of a high degree of energy, commitment and dedication
* Instructor or Mentor experience on the network is a plus.
* 2-3 Years of VATUSA support staff experience

Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position and not for the inexperienced. The workload is considerable and should not be taken lightly. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they MAY be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Applications should include:
* Full Name, Active E-Mail, and VATSIM CID
* Resume and Cover Letter
* Candidates from outside ZTL must submit a Letter of Recommendation from a Senior Staff Member (ATM/DATM/TA) at their current ARTCC

Applications should be submitted to the Atlanta Center Air Traffic Manager at Application deadline is February 1, 2018

The Control Room Floor / Re: Which ARTCC should I join?
« on: December 19, 2017, 05:29:20 PM »
If you go onto the VATUSA website, click on Facilities there is a drop down where you get directed to each facilities website. I'd recommend looking through each and deciding on a facility from there.

*Now for the obilgatory advertising*

Even though the power was out at KATL yesterday(World's busiest airport) ZTL still has power and we're working fine :)

Update: Looks like Don beat me to it..

So I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I agree with what Brad had posted. Those are the same challenges that we are facing in Atlanta.

One thing that contributes to this issues is the pilots themselves. If you are not aware, or do not know, Atlanta, like other facilities, receives a lot of newer pilots during regular operations. During an FNO, it seems that the number of new pilots seem to multiply. 

Where the fatigue sets in is not the time on the network. It's having to deal with repeating instructions multiple times, solving problems of when people are not listening, causing conflicts and go arounds, and finally trying to deal with people who may not be so experiences but decided to fly on the busiest night in VATUSA. This isn't even mentioning the abnormal traffic levels and conga lines that form. Now after 4 hours of this, people expect us to stay online!?! It really blows my mind, especially when these controllers have their own RW lives to live. There may only be 2 or 3 ARTCC's that have the staffing to do what was being requested. Finally, a lot of facilities aren't even adequately staffed in the first place and have to search for help from the ACE team, or just be short staffed.

Personally, I think that we are searching for a solution to the wrong problem. In order to fix this problem, we must focus on controller retention while keeping in mind that our hobby isn't the most popular. That being said, we also need to focus on quality of controllers. Why? Well numbers are great, but having a lot of controllers does nothing if you can't control and cause more and more problems.

I do apologize for ranting a bit.

News / Re: Congratulations to ZAU's New ATM
« on: December 16, 2017, 08:36:15 PM »
Congrats! Feel free to reach out if you need anything!

General Discussion / Re: Discussion: ATC Timetable
« on: December 14, 2017, 11:45:54 AM »
Personally, I would not use it.

1) We have to take a look at how many controllers use the VATUSA website and visit it frequently. Before I became a staff member, I never looked at the forums and the only time I was on the VATUSA website was when I needed to take an exam. If this were to be implemented, wouldn't it make more sense to have it run through the ARTCC's website?

2)How would this be enforced? If we implement this system, how would we make sure it's used? What happens if we don't use it?  What's the point of creating it if nothing happens if we don't use it and everything goes back to the way it is currently?

3) My schedule has become too unpredictable for me to ever use it. I would like to add that most of the time that I control, I control because I feel like it and I want to. Furthermore, I never know how long I want to stay online for. Some sessions I may stay on 3 hours, while others I may stay on 1 hour. The majority of that decision comes from how the pilots are and the amount of traffic that I have.

Back when I was in High School and I had a predictable schedule, then this makes more sense, but for me right now, I would most likely never use it.

I want also reiterate that I am not speaking for the entire ARTCC, and each member may have a different feeling towards this issue. Hopefully this provides a different view to what's already been proposed.

Y’all got vERAM files?

Have had them for quite some time.

News / Atlanta Center looking for Instructor Candidates
« on: October 15, 2017, 05:51:07 PM »
The Atlanta Center is seeking qualified, professional, and motivated individuals to fulfil the role of Instructor Candidates.



- Will serve as primary instructors for students with in the Atlanta Center

- Will Write, Update, and Maintain curriculum on the Atlanta Center Training system as assigned by the TA

- Assist in certifying students to the VATSIM, VATUSA, and Atlanta Center training standards

- Will complete their Atlanta Center training certification within 180 days of accepting the position


* Have held a C1 rating for at least 30 days prior to application

* No disciplinary or unprofessional conduct in the last six months

* Capable of working well in a team-oriented environment

* Strong knowledge of the United States Airspace and Air Traffic Control systems

* Excellent written and oral communication skills.


*Instructor/Mentor experience

*Previous training experience, on network or real world

*Supervisory, trainer, or management experience in virtual or real world

*Knowledge of Aircraft Situation Editor

*immensely enjoys teaching and helping others develop relevant skills through their virtual ATC career.


In compliance with the VATUSA instructor selection process, Atlanta Center will recommend Instructor Candidates for I1s after the following requirements have been met,

*90 days in the program

*Atlanta Center Train the Trainer program has been satisfactory completed

*All Pending Assignments have been completed

*Failure to complete these requirements in 120 days will result in termination from the Instructor Candidate Program


Please submit applications via The Atlanta Center Staff Application System. Emailed applications will not be considered.

CLOSING DATE: December 1st, 2017 , 2330 EDT.

Qualified applicants/candidates may be contacted with a comprehensive interview before the closing date of the application. Questions about the position may be directed to the Atlanta Center Training Administrator, Luke Kakert, via email to

Simple Insanity / Re: Important Update
« on: September 18, 2017, 08:26:05 PM »
I don't think he gets the joke.

Just wait till April fools ;)

Events / Re: Atlanta LIVE!
« on: September 15, 2017, 08:34:59 AM »
Event's tonight! Hope to see you there!!

Events / Re: Collegiate Aviation Series: Spartan College
« on: September 14, 2017, 02:11:19 PM »
Any Purdue peeps here or just me ?!??

Events / Re: Collegiate Aviation Series: Spartan College
« on: September 14, 2017, 10:16:35 AM »
Love this idea!!!

It's a shame Purdue Airport (KLAF) isn't in this :/ guess my boilermakers will have to wait :)

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