MSFS 2020 Aircraft Lights Bug

Denis Ciobotar

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MSFS 2020 Aircraft Lights Bug
« on: September 13, 2021, 10:29:22 PM »
Hello, ever since the SimUpdate 5 came out, I could never see any other players' aircraft lights in the air or at the airport. Is this a VATSIM issue or a game bug?

Brandon Barrett

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Re: MSFS 2020 Aircraft Lights Bug
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2021, 07:12:01 AM »
Hello, ever since the SimUpdate 5 came out, I could never see any other players' aircraft lights in the air or at the airport. Is this a VATSIM issue or a game bug?

Hey Denis

Not to sure about the issue. See if you can get a little better traction on the VATSIM forums under "support", then click your respective pilot client.

I also found these two threads that might lead you in the right direction: