A bit of history here..
The .65 did in fact have a 'taxi to RUNWAY' phraseology listed, as we all used to use and were aware of, which basically stated to 'do whatever you need to do to get to the assigned, but hold short of the assigned runway.' This included crossing all taxiways and inactive runways. If the controller needed the aircraft to hold short of a runway or taxiway, the phraseology was 'RUNWAY xx, TAXI VIA a, b, c, HOLD SHORT of d."
The latest .65 updated that to where an explicit crossing of any runway, active or inactive, is required. With that came the phraseology change. Now we have "RUNWAY xx, TAXI VIA A, B, CROSS RUNWAY y Left, CROSS RUNWAY y Right."
So now you must mention the crossing instructions, regardless.
EDIT: What Harold said.