Guys, what I thought was a discussion about staff/senior staff cussing out other ARTCCs' staff, etc., for which a "we can do better" was a no-brainer, has now started to devolve into a "holier than thou" discussion. Just as Matt said, I've been in just about every Teamspeak in the USA over the past year or so, and appreciate the candor, fun and sense of community I've seen. Constructive, good-natured competitiveness is good for the whole. Evil, despicable vitriol and bashing should not and will not be tolerated. There's a huge chasm between the two, though. It's pretty simple: egregious behavior should not and will not be tolerated, but minor operational gripes do happen, and do happen regularly, as does letting off steam (which, by the way, happens all day long at all (yes, all) of the many RW facilities I've visited over the years). Yes, we can all do better, myself included in that respect, we should indeed teach others to be better as often as we can, but be careful about casting stones, glass houses and all that. Just like Ryan was alluding to, it is common sense not to cross the line on official ARTCC Teamspeaks. It's up to us all, as a community, to determine where "the line" is, but it should be much closer to the "competitive, fun gripe" side than the evil side.
The points have been made, and I think this thread has now run its course.