Hello Bob. Your question is going to receive different replies, many of which will make perfect sense and some that may not. For example, I might suggest that joining an east coast ARTCC doesn't address your time zone problem so much as it puts you another three hours behind the eight ball. For each training session you wish to have in the morning, someone needs to be available during the day, not in school, not at work.
Granted, that is an over-simplified answer. But by posting this you have essentially put up a job application which, I hope, will receive a response from someone saying, 'join us here at ..." because we can help you. Until then, I suggest you visit some of the web sites of the various ARTCC's that you think will interest you, look through them, maybe send an email to the Training Administrator and then select an ARTCC that you feel fits your personality; someplace where you think you can be comfortable.
And I wouldn't rule out going back to Denver. Schedules change. You never know. Anyway, good luck!