I guess a point of order or two....
FlightSimExpo is a new event; this will be its first incarnation. The organizers were key members of the FlightSimCon leadership team, and were largely responsible for that event's success over the past several years, but they have branched off to start this new event. And yes, they are all members of ZBW. But the fact that they are members of ZBW in no way means there is any exclusivity involved. Note that in 2018 FlightSimExpo will be in ZLA's home turf, and FlightSimCon will be in ZFW's home turf.
As evidenced by FlightSimCon 2017, VATSIM and VATUSA and BVA were well represented at FlightSimCon 2017. VATSIM and VATUSA and BVA as exhibitors, and BVA had a significant presence due to the fact that the event is in ZBW's backyard plus the tie that BVA has had to the event for many years. That said, during the entire conference, there were at least 4, and sometimes more, VATUSA ARTCCs represented at all times, with scopes going and controllers engaging with the public, explaining what our part of the hobby does. And, in a few cases, a VA that was in the exhibition room adjacent to the VATUSA space was flying in and out of multiple facilities, and we were engaging both online and "across the room" so hobbyists could see not only the "both sides of the scope" portion of our hobby, but see the camaraderie as well. VATUSA and VATSIM were well represented, and we hope to be at FlightSimExpo and FlightSimCon as well. Participating in such events, regardless of who the organizers are, extend our reach within the hobby, hopefully drawing more people in to take a look not only at the flight simming hobby, but more importantly into VATSIM and VATUSA. That's the hook; our camaraderie, sense of community, culture, communication, engagement and effectiveness are what will keep folks positively engaged in our hobby and our community over the long run.
I am assuming (but will check) that VATSIM will look to VATUSA to be the driving force in representing both VATUSA and VATSIM as a whole to the community. As such, Matt is and will be working with the event organizers from both events to see how we best fit in, and work with all of VATUSA to ensure we are best represented. We did well this past year, but with anything we do, there are lessons learned. Perhaps we'll be able to employ those and impact an even greater percentage of the online flight simming community in 2018. Brad, I like your idea, and trust Matt will engage with you and the FlightSimExpo organizers to capitalize.