We want to be sure everyone has a great flight, but the departures out of KLAX can be a bit confusing.
Here are a few notes for those departing KLAX.
For routes going through LAS, the appropriate departures are:
For the ORCKA3 departure, please note:
- If you depart runway 24L/R, you are to fly heading 251 and wait for RADAR VECTORS.
- If you depart runway 25L/R, you must turn left to heading 236 at DOCKR (25R) or HIIPR (25L). This is REQUIRED for separation. Then wait for RADAR VECTORS.
- Your departure controller will vector you and at some point clear you direct KLIPR. You'll hear something like "TURN LEFT DIRECT KLIPR, RESUME THE ORCKA3 DEPARTURE."
- Only proceed to KLIPR when instructed.
- Please do NOT turn right! Turning right puts you head on into KLAX arrivals. We like to think that you don't want to hit things.
- Please note of the crossing restrictions at KLIPR and KEGGS. If your plane is heavily loaded and won't climb quickly, take the OSHNN8.LAS departure instead.
For those routes going through CLEEE, the correct departure is the DOTSS2.
Again, please note the turns required at DOCKR (25R) and HIIPR (25L).
Being sure to follow the departures as described helps us get more departures out as quickly as we can.
As always, if you have a question, ask here or talk to your controller on the ground before trying to figure it out in the air.
Have a great flight!