Boston Virtual ARTCC Launches Wings Over New England

Evan Reiter

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Boston Virtual ARTCC Launches Wings Over New England
« on: August 16, 2020, 01:12:59 PM »

Boston Virtual ARTCC's (BVA) new self-paced pilot training program is now live! Starting today, members of BVA can fly any of our 30 Wings Over New England (WINGS) flights on VATSIM to learn more about safely operating aircraft within the U.S. ATC system. 

If you are:

- Looking for more information about flying VFR through complex American airspace;
- Wanting tips on speaking with air traffic control;
- Hoping for guidance on flying full approaches, holds, and other complex IFR procedures;
- Interested in finding out more about RNAV;

WINGS may be for you! From VFR closed traffic at Nantucket (KACK), a back course instrument approach at New Bedford (KEWB), airline operations at Boston (KBOS), and RNAV approaches in the Adirondack Mountains (at KSLK), WINGS will take pilots on a scenic journey across the northeastern United States while offering engaging, self-paced learning along the way.

The program is designed for pilots who already know how to fly their aircraft; it won’t cover flying skills like using flaps or making turns. For that, we'd recommend going through an official VATSIM ATO like VATSTAR. Instead, WINGS addresses skills that apply to online flying in both VFR and IFR environments, making the most of what an at-home flight simulator can teach. It includes structured, self-guided training lessons that do not rely directly on an instructor, allowing pilots to learn at their own pace and in a comfortable environment. WINGS is not affiliated with the VATSIM Pilot Training Department.

Every WINGS flight contains a series of tasks. During the flight, ZBW controllers monitor progress to ensure each of the tasks is completed correctly. If a pilot successfully meets the standards, a rating is issued and the pilot progresses to the next flight. Pilots can choose to complete all 30 flights in sequence or focus on specific subsets like “I’m new to online flying”, “I want to learn about VFR operations”, or “give me an intro to RNAV”. 

To participate in the program, pilots must complete a free application to join Boston Virtual ARTCC. Once approved for membership, flights can be completed any time air traffic control is online in the Boston Center (ZBW) area. A schedule with expected air traffic control coverage is posted at

Pilots can fly WINGS using any aircraft, provided they can meet the standards for the applicable flight. While a slower, piston or turboprop is recommended, private jets and even airliners are welcome too. The first half of the program specifically covers “low and slow” General Aviation operations like VFR pattern entries, helicopter and Class B transition routes, and visual navigation. The entire program is flyable with conventional navigation (i.e., VORs only), though pilots that have RNAV capability will gain more from the later flights.

For more information, visit

Posted with approval from VATUSA12.

Brin Brody

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Re: Boston Virtual ARTCC Launches Wings Over New England
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2020, 03:44:41 PM »
Feels like you stole that name from somewhere... ;) :P

Cool program.  8)

Evan Reiter

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Re: Boston Virtual ARTCC Launches Wings Over New England
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2020, 03:45:21 PM »
Feels like you stole that name from somewhere...

Did we?

EDIT: Discussed via PM. He was referring to the FAA's WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program. I knew about the FAA's program, of course, but didn't really see a connection that would be problematic. I personally don't think it's too much of a conflict. It wasn't intentional.